the runs!
Just a quick question. Being 7 weeks out everytime something new happens I become all freaked out. Last night I had a taco, made from all foods I had before with no problem, 3 hours later had some bad gas pain and the runs! Lasted fro about 2 hours and then was better.
My question is this related to my new pouch or just an upset stomach?
Everytime I have had problems with food it has happened 20 to 45 minutes after eating. This makes me think maybe I just got some bad sour cream or ???
OT does anyone else type the word "for" as fro? This drives me crazy as it doesn't show up as a mispelled word on spell check. I do it about everytime.
Hey James sounds like you are dumping. You will hear where some guys have it come up when they dump and some it goes the other way. I have never up chucked but have had the pain in the gut and an hour or two later have to run to the throne. Don't worry about the typo thing here. That is one of the great things about the locker room hear, I have never seen anybody given a hard time about spelling or improper english. Can't say that about the main board.
pan head
Ditto on the dumping dude, probably the sour cream.
At 7 weeks, you may not be ready for tacos and the pouch and points below are rebelling.
I am at 6 months and can just now do tacos now but not with sour cream. I still avoid mayo and related dressings and toppings; just not worth the risk of north and/or south bound purging.
But hey,..thats just me. You gotta do what makes you happy.
I only have typing problems with teh/the, form/from, ta/at, yuo/you, theis/this, thst/that,....I type pretty good if I don't have to use words........ummmmm, that a problem?
My real weakness is not proof reading before I send a message,....sometimes its tuff to translate.