About to earn my stripes.
Hey Marcel, One advantage, some may call it a disadvantage, band-ers have is no malabsorbtion of food and nutrients, including water. RNYers have to take in a min, of 64 oz. per day, or could be hospitalized for dehydration. We also have to commit to taking vitamins, calcium, B-12, and iron for life. Something you band-ers may be advised to do, but we are required to do. Personally, I'm very happy with my decision to have RNY, and am loving the results. However, I had originally opted for the band, but due to the fact that it takes will power to stay from bad foods, I went for the RNY. RNY has built in "will power". What I mean is, as a band-er, I could've had ice cream shakes, and other sweet drinks, which slip right past the band, negating the point of the band, and would cause no ill effects. Obviously, I was morbidly obese at the time, so will power didn't seem to be one of my strengths. Hence, the RNY decision. Ronnie
Good luck. You're in for better trip than you can ever imagine--no matter how great the possibilities seem to you now, post-op joys are even better.
I heartily endorse Ronnie's advice about caffeine. I had a hard time getting off of it, but was glad I did after surgery. Noe (6 mos out), I enjoy a cup or two of half-caf everyday, but didn't miss coffee nearly as much as I feared I would.
As CB said, we'll save your spot on the bench while your getting those stripes.
If we're treading on thin ice we might as well dance.--Jesse Winchester