What’s that they say ?------
"Pizza’s like a BJ....
Even a Bad One is Pretty Good."
I can’t remember who talked about 'giving in to 'food temptations' recently,
but they equated early post-op eating
To Adam in the Garden of Eden….
"You may eat of all, except…….."
(then stick any number of items to fill in for the "Apple Tree.")
Great to hear you’re starting to feel good.
Those first several weeks are a bear,
The big trick is to use those first 6 or so months to establish new eating habits and choices.
There was a Gal out on the Boards recently who was going on about eating ‘Corny Dogs."
When others replied that it wasn’t a wise food choice, she responded that they were-
"Morning Star Farms, veggie Corny-dogs and were, blah-blah Protein, blah-blah, low-fat, etc…"
This was my thought then, and my thought about the pizza….
Even if you are eating Spring-Water Poached Tilapia,
Dressing it up in a Pizza Costume makes little sense, particularly early on.
For folks who want to have less trouble maintaining weight loss,
the first several months are best served by establishing Completely NEW Eating habits.
By eating any arrangement of Protein/Carbs/Fats in the guise of a ‘pizza,’
May only serves to re-enforce and continue habitual poor eating habits.
I’m sure that with my Props-Artistry Skills,
I could get a glob of UnJury Un-flavored protein
into the shape and appearance of a ‘Double-Quarter-Pounder with Cheese",
and although it would be pure protein,
What would be the point of continuing the "love affair" with MacDonalds?
I’d recommend trying something new and interesting
Rather than anything that "triggers" the response of "Comfort Food."
Making a break from "Food as Comfort" and a transition to "Food as Fuel"
is what really seems to be the benefit of WLS.
Just my opinion…….
That said, I do occasionally have pizza, or rather pull the cheese and meat off a piece or two And have it. I was within about 10 pounds of goal weight before I tried it though. Moderation works for some, Abstinence works for others. It’s all trial and error for every one.
Well, more like "Trial, error, trial, succeed, trial, succeed, trial, trial, error, trial, succeed, etc…
No straight courses on "The Journey."
I’d pass on the pizza until the act of eating it holds no "Special" place in how you feel about it.
Does that make sense?
If you’re eating it because it’s ‘tempting,’
Then you’re ‘giving in to temptation.
If you’re eating it because you need some meat and cheese, and you’re running lower on calories for the day than usual, and it looks like it might taste good? Then "Go for It!"
No real answer, just babbling some thoughts about "slippage into old habits," and
"Following the Straight and Narrow."
Figure out what works for you.
Oh, and so I don’t forget-----the requisite response….
"What does YOUR Doc / Nutritionist Recommend?"
Best Wishes-