Sonny The first time I submitted my request it was turned down and they gave me a long list of things I had to do. I got pissed off and decided I was just live as a fat man the rest of my life. This was stupid on my part because I was only hurting myself. Then about a year or so later, I decided that I was going to have the surgery no matter what I had to do. I got my PCP to send in 5 years of my medical records which reflected that I was weighed on each visit and supported several medical conditions related to my weight. I also went to every Dr that I saw in the past year or so, i.e. cardiolgist, lung, orthopedic, chiropractor, etc. and ask them to give me a letter to support my having this surgery and what impact weight has had on my medical problems. I had also attended a weight management program with the VA that met once a week with a dietician and phycologist. After getting all that paper work in I was approved within a week or two. You just have to try and do the best to support your need for WLS. They set the rules and we have to follow them to get what we want and need. *****ing about jumping thru the hoops does not get you to the operating table. Also when necessary I would make phone calls to AETNA to either get clarity to a question I had or what exactly did they need to move it along. I hope this helps Sonny and wish you all the best. Remember you want to have this surgery to improve your health an to have a better life style, so do what it takes. Dan
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan