Why I do what I do.
I can relate to all of that. In the same four year period, I participated in mountain and road bike races, swimming competitions of various lengths, triathlons, long and short, and used rollerblading, weights and skiing for cross-training. One main reason I did all of these activities and read as much about the equipment and fitness training was to learn as much as I could. Of course, I was struggling to keep the weight off, but I really wanted to expand my horizons by learning as much about the fitness, equipment, people and events as I could.
Multisport widens your base of knowledge and experience more than anything I have experienced.
AJ, Great answer. Glad that you found some splinter of substance in that event. I didn’t. The original reason for that ?????????????Topic Question?????????? I do see guys go from total couch potatoes to nearly obsessed fitness fiends. Sometimes, moving into ‘over-training’ where they are doing themselves actual damage. Similar to Anorexia for those who catch the ‘Holy-Ghost’ about eating less. There was a ‘seminar’ at the Lexington Convention (by a Psyche-Doc-ess, that was a little hottie) that pushed the notion that "Everything We focus Intense Energy into-Post-Op" maybe Addiction-Transfer. A 50/50 mix of Truthful Observation and Bull-Sh*t. For some, it’s just a case of doing for the Thrill of it. I had a bit of running for the thrill of it (got all the way to a 5K last summer) but then I had a break from it for PS, and suddenly ‘the thrill was gone.’ There was about half a year where I loved it because it was something completely new for me. Like suddenly getting wings. For me, it wasn’t about getting fit, it wasn’t about proving anything to myself, --just the thrill of being able to run without the limits that had always been there in the past. I asked because it always puzzled me that I found it So engaging and consuming at the time. I wondered if you might have a clear idea of what the attraction was for you. What was "The Goal." More curios because I think "My Goal" has always been a little skewed from the beginning, due to my complications.
So many seem to be "Driven" after their weight loss. Lists of goals- "I want to _________" Everything from "ride a roller coaster," to "Run a Marathon."
I think it’s all wrapped up in what we see as "The Goal." Once I had committed to surgery, but while a Pre-Op still, "My Goal" was to "Not Be Fat Anymore!" I think there is a different approach for those – Who have been Obese all of their Lives, -VS- Those –Who were normal once, and Obesity came on later. Headed for the Goal of "Not Fat," was primarily what I was after. I had just had Heart Surgery to correct a Life long problem, and actually, already felt better than I had for my whole life. I had little to no co-morbidities (except GERD) but, I had witnessed generations of family members suffer all of the ills that accompany Morbid Obesity. So, "My Goal before surgery was to be "Not Fat," mostly. Post-Op, I had really bad complications and immediately my "Goals" changed. At first my new goal was to –"I want to Live, Not Die." This Goal slowly altered to- "I want to Walk!" Which eventually grew into -"I want to be Healthy/Healthier." For the past 2 years, it’s grown into just wanting- "More, More, More Life!" My "Goal weight" did figure into it but only as a "measuring device," not the actual Goal itself. I started at 385+lbs. and was aiming to get to 185lbs and a BMI below 24.9! Just wanted to be "Normal," at least on paper. I made tha****er mark, but kept on going to 179lbs and a BMI of 23.6. I’ve been holding at that 185 and lower weight for over 2 1/2years now. (Give or take 5 pounds depending on the time of day) I do believe it’s going to take some time to get used to this new body. Having been Obese as far back as I can remember makes this a Daily new experience. I think that if I had a memory or experience of being relatively normal sized in my past the change would be different for me. More like a person getting glasses after loosing nearly all of their sight over a number of years. "Yes! That’s What I remember!!" But for those who have never had this at all it’s a little like seeing for the first time ever. It’s a Whole New World. (thus the ‘Thrill.’) So I think my present "goal" is to hang on to this ferociously and never let it go, and that does mean, Striving to live healthier, Thus- Longer, than would have been possible before. Unlike some, I have gone for some Plastic Surgery. Now that I’ve had a "Taste," I want it ALL! More Muscle, More Stamina, Great Clothes, More Activity, More Speed, More Life, More, More, More!!! I don’t think it’s "addiction-transfer" on my part either, Just a New Appreciation of Living. I keep asking myself and others the questions though. (Maybe I'm addicted to questioning?????) Best Wishes- Dx