Travel after WLS?

Hey erog, Shouldn’t be too bad. Get a ‘sport’s bottle’ to sip a little as you go. tiniest dehydration and you may get nauseated easily. Also have a pillow in the van to hold on your stomach. I know that sounds weird, but hugging a pillow balances out the stress on you torso and new cuts while moving. It’ll keep bumps on the road from translating to pain in the gut. Many have “Baby-Eyes” soon after surgery. ”Baby-Eyes?” WTF? Yep…you know when babies are trying to follow something with their eyes And they just can’t seem to ‘keep up’ and they have that de-focused Thing going on while they try to focus on a moving object? That’s “Baby-Eyes.” Just look at stuff IN the van, or straight ahead. Moving objects will translate to a weird sort of car sickness. Not just my experience, but over 3 years ago when I posted-
“Did anyone else have “Baby-Eyes?” Tons of folks replied- “I thought that was JUST ME!”
It’s not.
It’s a hold over from the anesthesia and the IV Pain Meds.
It also blows any hint of concentration.
You maybe two weeks out from surgery before you could read a good book.
Plan on short, very short, attention span after surgery.
It might not be a bad Idea to plan more than a couple of stops,
get out and walk around for a minute.
Post-surgical complication of blood-clot is aggravated by remaining seated
in the same position for very long.
Just hit a gas station and make a few laps around the van
or into the restroom and back.
Not exercise, just some motion for blood flow in the legs.
Congratulations on the In-House Nursing Staff that Loves and Cares about you!!
You’ve got it made in the Shade!!
Have the Greatest!!
Best Wishes-

I am not sure if this is true for anyone else, but the first area that felt sore beyond my abdomen, was my tailbone. It was like I lost my cushion size, but the load remained the same. I picked up a donut air cushion at CVS and used that to sit me in a position that did not load up the tailbone area. If you leave it a little under inflated it does well to cushion the bounce in a moving car. Also holding a heavy feather pillow to my abdomen helped when lying down, or sitting.