You're my community
on 3/8/07 9:55 pm - Houston, TX
Thanks for this post. It has generated some very helpful information, especially for me.
In writing my daily humor post which is being done because the majority of the guys on this board have indicated they want me to continue because they get a bit of uplift from them.
The problem with posting daily jokes is that I am try to be so careful that the joke will not offend anybody or they may not return to this board to get the benefits that this board was set up for. Although this particular joke about the gay ranch hand was not posted by me, I had a case several months ago when I posted the joke that related to depression and one of our members was offended. I decided then that I would not do my daily humor post anymore for the fear of hurting someone. The number of emails and post telling me to forget it and keep posting because they look forward to reading them every day, amazed me. I decided to continue but with caution.
I have come to the conclusion that almost any jokes have the potential to offend someone because jokes look at the funny side of mankind.
I would like to ask all of you *****ad my daily humor post that if you are offended or feel a joke is inappropriate to drop me a private email and let's talk about it there, rather than create a distraction here on the board.
Believe me when I say that I carefully consider what I post and try to select jokes that that everyone can get a chuckle over and not be offended.
My main purpose is why I am still on the board 15 months after my surgery is that I need the support from my friends here and more important is to encourage those who are looking into surgery and sharing my story with them and to show support and encouragement for those about to have surgery and those who are post surgery.
I am not just here to be the Board Jester.
Gee, I think Dex's long posting is catching on.
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan