Bmcmo Could use some help
Bmcmo needs some help. I'm not meaning to be all RAH RAH here but I think we could make a difference as a group.
I think besides our usual Mens Board posting and personal support, we could help him out by senting/snail mailing a letter of support about the successes and benefits of WLS to his Pastors Relations Committee.
He posted they had a meeting and expressed the following feelings; that isn’t the support he needs to be successful as their pastor and more importantly to have their support during his recovery period after WLS:
“…they didn't give me their support, they began to point out what a miserable surgery this was, that I was risking my life, that I was depressed (wasn't until after the meeting) that this surgery didn't work - that people would gain back the weight they lost until they burst their tummies. Well I stopped them in mid stride and told them the surgery was a tool in the hands of craftsman, it is only as useful as you permit it to be. They tried to interrupt me...'Well according to Oprah....' I told them it was riskier for me to walk across the parking lot at 400 pounds than it is to lay on that table and on top of it all, why shouldn't I choose to try and save me life.”
I doubt these folks would take the time to come online to and be enlightened,….so we need to get something to them they can see. I think letters might work. The read a couple of these, pick any of them…kinda thing.
If you’d like to join me in this effort for bmcmo and his choice to improve his life, lifestyle and health, longevity with his family, and probably his career/job, he gave his contact info as follows:
His email is:
His address is: Reverend Robert McQueen 314
I think letters would have the most impact. Thanks for the time and attention.
Good Luck bmcmo. And good choice on the WLS and a second chance at living life again. Joe