Today is 1 week since my panniculectomy and bilateral mastopexy.
I am feeling better everyday.....using way less vikodin.
I still have all 4 drains in, I'm still draing out too much blood to take any off. It looks like the chest drains are really slowing down though and I am hoping that by tomorrow (Wednesday) at least those 2 will come out. Thursday is the doctor for my stomach so maybe those will come out then.
Get to take my second shower today and can't wait.
Computer is in the basement and I am only allowed to do the stairs a few times a day so I can only check in everyso often.
Again thanks guys for all your support.
Any questions just ask.
Congrads on getting to the point of needing the PS and that you are feeling better. Those stairs have gotta be good exercise. Thanks for thinking enough of us to share and checking in. Hope you get back on the walking trail soon so you can continue to enjoy taking showers. Your family will love you for it!!!
Hey Joe,
Thanks, Took my shower and OMG do I feel better. It wiped me out for a little while, but I feel so much better now. It is so funny how fast I get tired.
Its funny before the RNY surgery never even thought about exercise, now I look forward to the stairs just for the exercise.
Wow how life has changed!
Thanks, for the support!