OT: Better News Source?
Hi Guys,
Turns out I've replaced my food addiction with a news addiction. I repeated tab between the Men's board, MSN.com, Eric Johnson's site and CNN (US and International).
I wait for new articles to pop on CNN and read them. This is probably not a bad thing in itself, but I wonder if there is an online news source with a little more substance?
Any suggestions as to a good online news source?
Dave, I’m a news junkie too, but a cynical one. Jim’s suggestion for the Drudge Report is a good one. I visit it every day to get the latest headlines. They also have links to some offbeat articles that don’t make the mainstream news. Speaking of mainstream news, is Anna Nicole Smith on the Japanese news? (I’m the father of her child you know.) Her death has been dominating the news here for the past few weeks, and I’m sick of it. Thankfully she is being buried in the Bahamas this weekend. The mainstream media is already geared up for the 2008 elections. Every day we hear a story about Hilary vs. Obama, or who is going to be the Republican nominee, McCain, Rudy, or somebody else? Politics is getting old already too. And then on a slow news day there is usually something about Al Gore and global warming. I take it all with a grain of salt… sometimes quite a bit of salt. For news to balance what I read in the paper, hear on the radio or TV, I like these sights on the internet. http://www.foxnews.com/ http://www.nypost.com/ http://www.washtimes.com/ http://www.worldnetdaily.com/ What's in the Japanese news?
May Your Lantern Burn Bright,
Hi Paul,
Anna Nicole was on for 1-2 days after she died, but people here were not very familiar with her. Japan is loaded down with its own pop culture and there's not so much time for foreign stuff. Pop culture is so big, the political and internation news takes a big second place. For example, if you take a look at this Kyodo (like Japan's AP) site http://home.kyodo.co.jp/ you'll see it split between "serious" news on the left and sports/ pop news on the right. People couldn't in general, care less about what's happening in the world. This is probably, in part, due to the high level of bureaucracy in government here, which causes anything done by the goverment to not be taken very seriously.
Best Regards,
OK, I have to agree- I’m a Member of the Colbert Nation-
But no real shock…
I’m a University Prof and in the "Entertainment Industry."
How could I NOT Be a Little Left of Center??!!
Some other favorite- (non-Comic)
Best Wishes-
But also "The Daily Imus" - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3226997/