140 lbs down
Hi Guys:
boy has this board changed. I guess I'll have to start visiting more often.
Had a computer crash, and now up on a new Dell.
My highest weight was about 320, I have now hit the 180 mark and at a plateau. My own fault. Went on vacation to MT to ski. Went with a non wls'er. Boy did he get tired of waiting for me to eat.
I did have a few treats, which I know I shouldn't have,
oh well. Back on track.
I am starting to look anorexic, bones showing everywhere, tendons standing out in my neck. Feels great. Down to only 2 asthma meds , up on vitamins B100 and B12.
Calcium citrate +D etc.
All is well.
Take Care Dave Navratil
Alexandria MN
Dave N
Open Rny July 25, 2006
Open Rny July 25, 2006
You have put a lot of work in, great job!
It's true, you have to be really really skinny to start to not like being thin. Sounds like you're doing fine. The big question is always how to maintain weight or gain weight without going back to bad eating habits. I feel like I could eat anything I want, which may be true now, but I wonder what that could do to me in the future?