two week
Hey Gang, I went to see Dr. Tom today... The visit became my two week visit after he seen me. I went in so that he could check that bothersome left side incision.Just like my brain has a problem with me having my mouth empty so does my body with having that cavity around the LS incision. I had developed a seroma (sp) that decided to start leaking on me Friday night, after having the Doc paged by the hospital, I received a call back from him within 8 minutes, That is a huge wow in it self. After discussing what was going on, he told me to come in and he would check the wounds this morning.
This morning he checked them out, and said I am doing great and the incisions look great. He then canceled my appointment for Thursday and declared me checked up. drum roll..................
25lbs and some odd ounces gone. Now that the irritation is going away in my left side I should be able to get more exercise in now. So hopefully the next visit should be greater.
Hey Buddha, Good News! 25?! You’re off to a super start there. Keep an eye on the seroma. They often have to be drained more than once. Just be on the lookout for redness and swelling in that area And be ready to call ‘em back. Sounds like you’ve got a good office there getting back with you so soon. Hope you’re hittin’ on all cylinders soon! Best Wishes- Dx
well Greg, Four of the five aren't too hard for me to avoid as I like the competition better. Gold Star, Papa Dino's are my local fav's. Now as for the Graeters That was the last thing I had sunday before the fast. I only worry about the Bengals if I driving around about the time the bars are closing.
Dx my seroma likes leaking, so I am letting it shoot even encouraging it too leak.