My swimming F.A.R.T.
Up until a couple weeks ago my exercise had been limited to walking - about 15 miles a week. I decided it was time to get back to the gym and thought I would start with swimming since I still have a lot of joint and back pain issues. So, two weeks ago I started - the first day I swam a total of 600m in about 4 legs (2 laps, 1 lap, 2 laps, 1 lap). After a week I was up to 1,200m in 2 legs (600m each leg with just a 5 minute rest between them) but a pretty relaxed and slow pace so I could get all the laps in.
Well, today I was just a couple laps into my 1200m when the lifeguard told me I really needed to be in the "medium" lane instead of the "slow" lane. I moved into the medium lane and not only was I able to keep up for the whole swim, but I was actually passing some guys!
Next goal is 1,800m (1+ miles)!!