on 2/24/07 10:03 pm - KOKOMO, IN

Well guys I am feeling that I may have some hope in getting rid of this chronic back pain in the near future.  I met with the Doctor in Indianapolis , who does neurostimulation.


He feels that I am a good candidate to have this procedure.


Spinal cord stimulation and peripheral nerve stimulation use an implanted device—a spinal cord stimulator (sometimes called a pacemaker for pain)—to deliver low levels of electrical energy directly to nerve fibers. This direct approach to treating pain at its source can be very effective.


He will do what they call a trial period first.  This means they run the leads thru a needle injected in the area where the pain the worst. The leads are then run up the spine.  They then connect the leads to an external device that sends an electrictial impulse into the spine that block the pain messages from getting to the brain.  After a week or so we then evaluate how it is working and if it relieving the pain, they then surgically implant the device inside my body.  There are also some options to keep the device on the outside and you wear it on a belt.  This keeps from having to go in and have the internal device recharged about once a year.


I believe I posted the website from the company that makes this device, but in case I have not, here it is


I feel like I really have some hope now but this procedure is like having WLS.  I have to have a phsyc evaluation next week (required by the insurance company… of course) and then it is submitted to the insurance company for their consideration.  My prayer is that I do not have to jump thru a bunch of hoops to get them to cough up the money.  The procedure runs about $50,000.00 which means a big out of pocket expense for my portion, but if I can get rid of most of this pain it will be worth making some financial sacrifices.


So it is set back and wait now.  In the meantime I will have to deal with taking the pain meds.




on 2/24/07 10:40 pm - Deep in the Heart of, TX
RNY on 12/11/06 with
Hang in there, Dan! Glad to heat there is a treatment plan for you! JP
on 2/24/07 10:56 pm - KOKOMO, IN
Thanks JP I hope this is the one that do the trick. Dan
(deactivated member)
on 2/25/07 12:59 am - Houston, TX
Heres wishing you some relief Russ
on 2/25/07 1:19 am - San Francisco, CA
Glad to hear there's some hope for you with this procedure/device Dan!  Now let's just hope the insurance company doesn't drag their heels and/or play a bunch of games before the approve it. Steve
on 2/25/07 1:21 am - IN

Hey there Dan, This sounds like really good news.  Are you seeing Brian Wilson at St.V by any chance?  I have a friend who is seeing him.  She just had her trial placement of the neurostimulator about 3 weeks ago and it helped her a lot!  She's going back for the permanent implant sometime in March,  I think.  I hope you do great with yours!!  I will keep my fingers crossed. Ke n

on 2/25/07 1:54 am - KOKOMO, IN
 KenI saw Dr Wilson a couple of weeks ago, but he and I agreed that I should talk with Dr Levine in Carmel since he has been treating me for the past four years.  Dr Levine does not do the implants but one of his associates does. So Dr Markus Niederwagner will be doing my procedure.Dan
Ron .
on 2/25/07 1:28 am - DFW, TX
Hey Dan,  I used to know a guy that had this very unit implanted inside him. He had fallen on ice at work and broke his back, had to have 5 discs fused together. After suffering massive back pain for months, his doctor placed this unit to block his pain. He had a remote that turned it on and off. When it was on, it was like nothing had ever happened to his back. However, when it was off, he could barely move. The device does work. Hopefully, the trial period proves that for you.

Day of surgery weight  352
Current weight 250 
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

Jim G.
on 2/25/07 1:39 am - Waverly, PA
Dan, I have had a lot of episodes with back pain over the years.  I have degenerative disc disease and 3 herniated discs.  When I was in physical therapy, they had me use a tens unit that delivered what felt like electirical shocks to the area.  I remember that it gave me a great sense of relief.  The machine that you are describing sounds a bit different, but perhaps works on the same principle. Good luck.

Troy Field
on 2/25/07 1:39 am - Bunker Hill, WV
Hang in there brother! I know it is difficult and very tiresome to deal with. These stimulators DO work. As I told you before, my dad lived with one for many years. He would have to go back in every few years to have a new battery put in, but that was no big deal. Dad swore by his stimulator, and was a big advocate to those who could benefit by them. Do what you gotta do to make the insurance co. happy and Git "R Done my friend.



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