The Sunday Weekly Weigh-In

Dx E
on 2/24/07 1:06 pm - Northern, MS

The Sunday Weekly Weigh-In ______February 25th! scale Congratulations and Welcome to our New Guys. For those of you headed in next week--Have the Greatest! For those of you just home—"Livin’ on SF Popsicles"- Hang in there, It Does Get Easier Each Week! I know that using the scales can make some crazy, (Slower loss is Still Loss!) -But- Keeping track and forcing myself to "Watch It!" Has been the "What works for me," for maintaining my loss. I’ll eat, but know that I need to exercise a little bit more If the numbers climb just a little. That way, I only make "Little" adjustments to my weekly routine. If the "Scales Make You Discouraged?" Then STAY OFF of Them! But for those who Are weighing in- Drum roll-------------------------------------- Hop your Azz up on the Scales! How much have you lost? Since Surgery? Or in Pre-Op Diet? And has the Scale moved this week for you? If so, How Much? My Starting Weight? – 385 + All Time Low – 179 Me?- 181  Same ole, same.... So, What about YOU? (NEW GUYS AND LURKERS? Scan back over the last months of this weekly post, And you’ll get a fairly clear picture of the fact that there isn’t a "Typical" progress, Just massive, persistent, overwhelming - PROGRESS!) (Plateaus DO BREAK!) (Congratulations in Advance!!) Keep It Up!!! Best Wishes- Dx

 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/24/07 1:25 pm - Japan

Hey Guys,

Thanks for your support this week during my painful discovery of a narrowed section of small intestine. I guess as all of that sausage casing became "fat free", it sunk down and put a little bit of a crimp in one spot. Fortunately, the doctor looked at several x-rays and said it wasn't enough to be dangerous. It doesn't seem to be a problem now, just a little tenderness. However, my RNY surgeon says that he can make little adjustments to my mesentary some day to make sure that it doesn't happen again or get any worse.

This weeks weight: Just under 169, for a normal BMI! (First in about 13 years).

Best Wishes and Thanks, Dx!


Ron .
on 2/24/07 1:43 pm - DFW, TX
Good "Saturday" Evening to Dx and Good "Sunday" afternoon to Dave, Dave: I think you're going to need some heavier shoes. 169?? Holy crap, dude. Soon you'll be fighting with CarbonBlob for the lightest man contest. LOL. I'll post in the morning for the weigh in.  Good night!

Day of surgery weight  352
Current weight 250 
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/24/07 1:55 pm - Japan

Hey Ron,

Are you implying I'm "light in the loafers?"  :rofl:

I'll make my lower limit 165, if even that low. I'm just making room to expand for when I start taking creatine!

Best Wishes,


Ron .
on 2/24/07 2:34 pm - DFW, TX
Well, here's a hint!                                          

Day of surgery weight  352
Current weight 250 
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/24/07 3:41 pm - Japan
on 2/25/07 1:49 am - los angeles, CA
hey Ron, i'm actually getting heavier! since i stopped the pain meds i have an appetite again plus since taking creatine i'm gaining muscle mass. so........i've been hitting near 150 pounds instead of the 145. the biggest gain i've had in four months! it's still a little hard for me to stay over 150 but i think i might actually get heavier now. hang in there too.....Carbonblob
Ron .
on 2/25/07 3:39 am - DFW, TX

Hey Fred,  Even at 150, you're still a lightweight my friend. You and Dave are shorter than I, thus you should weigh less than me. It's just when I see 140s-160s as some of you guys' weight, I think to myself, "Damn, that dude is small". I'm 6'3" at 250, my wife is already on me to stop losing. I say to that, "forget that noise". I made a lifetime commitment to this lifestyle and know that I only have a short window of opportunity to lose as much as I can, and that's what I intend to do. Reaching "one-derland" would be icing on the cake, but I think that would be a bit too small for my height. 220 is my goal weight, 30 to go. It gives me great pleasure to say I only have 30 pounds to lose. Forever, it's been, "I wish I could lose about 100+", now I'm there. I can't believe that I weigh what I did in high school. I can't believe my waist is smaller than it was in high school. What's cool is I'm still losing. Feels great. I do need to step up the exercise though, just can't get motivated. My wife only weighs 135, has never dieted, has never exercised, and looks fantastic. See what I've had to live with for 16 years. It's no fault of hers, but she doesn't like to exercise along side me. I guess I need to find someone or a group to exercise with, maybe that will keep me more motivated.  I want to start serious lifting, but don't have the first clue where or how to get started. Right now I just walk and occasionally use the weight machines. I get in my protein, but am noticing that I'm losing muscle in my arms. Maybe I should join a gym and have a trainer teach me. What do you think?

Day of surgery weight  352
Current weight 250 
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31

on 2/25/07 8:15 am - los angeles, CA
hey Ron, yeah, i do need to put on a few. my face is getting thin and my g/f says i need to stop looking gaunt! I'm way smaller than you so being over 200 would look good on you, bad on me! as for the weight lifting well, Dave has some good pointers and beginning plans. email me and i'll give you some good sites to go to but i think a gym would be a good place to start, with a trainer for the first few lessons. the reason i say that is because a home gym is a big investment. you may find you don't like to lift and like something else instead. besides, you need the room and it's hard to dedicate a room in the house for all the equipment. my room is jammed! so try a gym first and see if lifting is what you want to really do. have them start you on full body circuits 3 times a week with cardio. that's just my suggestion but go with theirs. i just don't want to see you get all sore. no reason for that nonsense. also, try to work in a lot of stretching. at our age it's a priority to warm up before each body part by lifting half the weight for 20 reps before we hit our usual weight range. really get into that habit or you'll be tearing rotor cuffs, killing your elbows and all kinds of stuff that will put you out it for a while. as for the protein, you really need a gram per pound of weight if you're going to get serious about lifting. so that's over 200 grams! i have to get some extra calories to get mine in but i work out hard so i think i burn it off pretty good. good luck and let me know if i can help on a routine for your. take care....Carbonblob
Jay from NY
on 2/24/07 2:40 pm - New york, NY

Hi guys:  Here are the numbers: 1st Consult:       428 Day of Surg:     389 Last Week:        167 This week:         168 Can life get any better? Keep up the good work everyone. Jay

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