Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you've had a great night's sleep and now you are up, at 'em, and ready to face the dawn of a new day! What a day it's going to be. Hey Dayner! It's time to spray them pits and eat dem grits!
Every time I say that now, I think of you!
Our challenge this Tuesday morning is one that we can ALL do! We have a fellow OH member that's had a rough time. She's faced challenge after challenge in her journey since she had WLS in January of '06. She's had MANY complications, yet in ALL these complications, she has remained positive and upbeat. Her hubby and boys have gone through a lot as well. She's now traveld 5 hours to see another WONDERFUL surgeon, Dr. Freeman, in Anniston, AL to see what he can do to help her. Julie is a wonderful person so I thought the least WE can do on this Tuesday's Challenge is to show her some support and love. Please go to the link below (her support page) and show that OH love we all love to get ourselves! Let's fill up that page! Thanks everyone!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on today? Me? Thanks to Carmen, I am sipping on some AWESOME Harry and David's Hazelnut Praline. MAN OH MAN! You talk about some good coffee! I'm savoring each sip.
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful, and support showing day!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"