Tuesday Night Online Support Group for Men......
Tuesday Night Online Support Group for Men……
Well, it seems that having a Topic driven Online Chat
Is more valuable for more folks….
I’m in the process of trying to line up a couple of "Guest Appearances"
For the topic of Exercise and General ‘Support,’
But won’t have those committed till next week….
SO- For this week- Tomorrow Night-
The Topic is-
What-Cha Eaten’?
2.) "Now I CAN Eat stuff I couldn’t and I am.
So my last 10, 20, + pounds aren’t coming off!"
. . . . . . . The problem there is dealing with Hunger versus old food temptations…
. . . . . . .Both seem to get in the way of reaching/maintaining Goals…Yes?
3.) "Kinda stuck eaten the same ole stuff and it gets to be a drag…"
. . . . .The problem there is not enjoying the new thinner life,
or still not comfortable with food…
. . . . .Both seem to get in the way of a ‘Normal Relationship’ with food…Yes?
Surely there are many more issues about how we ‘cope’ with eating Post-Op…
This Meeting should be useful exchange of info for Older Post-Ops as well as Newer and Pre-Ops looking to pick-up suggestions from others…
Any ideas or "Finds" that are your favorites? Like a particular snack or supplement?
Any question about- "Are Ya’ll able to handle…?"
From previous chats and the message board it seems that, as a group,
We are "All over the Map" when it comes to Nutrition….
Some of the issues being dealt with include---
1.) "…Living on Protein Supplements and not getting back to a ‘Normal’ Dietary intake…"
. . . . . . . The problem there is often a Life of ‘Food-Fear’ or constant constipation battle…
. . . . . . .Both are less than the desired Life at a Normal BMI Goal…Yes?
Bring your Questions, Suggestions, Ideas, and Thoughts….
(Starting at 8:00 Eastern, 7:00 Central, and so on…..
Will Keep it going till folks have to leave to sleep….)
Hope to see you there!!
Best Wishes-
Capricious; Impulsive, Semi-Predictable
Hi Dx,
Wish I could make it, but that's prime work time. The fact that I seem to like dieting might make for some discussion. Having at least temporily lost my ability to gain weight, has taken away my lifelong pasttime of dieting. Since I've previously never had a moment in life when I didn't need to worry about weight, I'm now feeling a void. Exercising and remaining on shakes breakfast and lunch fill the void and are actually kind of fun. What is especially fun is that I can actually diet and exercise *and* get results. I think I've still got a handle on things though.
Hey Dave, You are the WLS Poster Boy for extreme Make-over…. We may have to make sure we can schedule the ‘exercise’ online chat To get you in…. What time frame fits your schedule? I usually see that you are dropping by later in the evenings here… Hope all is continuing along great for you there… Best Wishes- Dx