What is a mini gastric bypass?
Hey Sonny,
Basically it's One Doctor's take on the Gastric Bypass. Rutledge is the ONLY Doc doing these.
There is a 'loop' left that can allow the food to back up and sit which has been associated with some post-operative complications. Only 4000 of these have been done. I relies on proper peristalsis in the small intestine to completely work. Therefore, not typically a "problem" but can be for many diferent reasons later down the line. Apparrently it's super fast In and Out) surgery and only requires one attachment point rather than multiples.
Rutledge has an Industrial Machine, churning out these procedures like a rabbit. But, oddly enough, the rest of the med community has written it off for the most part in favor of RNY, Lap-Band and DS.
Google Robert Rutledge and you'll get a but-load of "Pro-Mini-Gastric-Bypass info all from the site he operates that sells this procedure.
He has a Great Sales pitch.....
And, a little odd...One of the few surgeons that publishes his Phone number on the web-
"call Dr. Rutledge (Private cell phone) 702-953-7066"
Little quirky, but hey- Buck Rogers? Worth a look!

I researched the MGB as well, like many others. The Doctor which "owns" the procedure was literally franchising it out to other doctors. A dirty little secret about doctors and price sharing which is illegal in most industries. But hey, the AMA has a very strong union and lobby in Washington.
The procedure seemed interesting, and his pre-op requirements are very thorough. Most of the people I have talked to that have had the procedure are very supportive of the Dr and the whole experience.
There were some issues with a similar procedure which may or may not have caused bile to back up into the stomach, which may or may not be bad depending on who you ask. The MGB claims to not have this problem even though it appears very similar to the "Loop" RNY from way back.
While I was intrigued by the design of the surgery, I wanted to go with something more tried and proven, hence the RNY for me. However, as always, your mileage may vary.