FART of my own...cool!
Hey all....
I was sitting at a meeting yesterday am, with some new business partners, and I had pushed my chair back from the boardroom table. I was nodding to the speaker and thinking "gosh, I hope he doesn't go on and on and on on this point," and I crossed my legs and settled in as he did go on and on and on.
About 2 minutes later, I suddenly looked down at my legs. For the past 20 years, when I'd cross my legs it'd be an ankle sitting on a knee style.
Yesterday, it was a knee right over top of a knee -- comfortably lounging in a chair!
I didn't sputter or say a thing, I just looked at my legs, and thought to myself...."man, is this cool or what?"
Thanks one and all here for the help and support in getting this far. Oh I know I've still got like 65 lbs to go...but I'm just so DANG happy!

I thought I was alone in noticing this. I love to sit and watch TV while crossing my legs now. Before surgery I would pull my legs beside me and lean over towards the arm of the couch. It may not sound comfy, but at the time it was. Anyway, I enjoy my new "comfy" position better.
Good Goin" Jim!

Day of surgery weight 352
Current weight 250
Total Lost 102
Height 6'3"
BMI 31
Great one Jim!! You're doing great!
Had to chuckle when I read this as I had the exact same experience a couple weeks ago - was sitting with some clients and just happened to look down and noticed I had crossed my legs - knee over knee - and had apparently been sitting that way for a bit without even noticing.