need help from some weightlifters

on 2/15/07 3:36 pm - WA
Sorry to crash your site but I could use some advice. As you can see from my picture, I am female. I have been a dedicated weightlifter for 2 years now. I was lifting really well then more than most women (according to the personal trainer I hired to teach me how to lift correctly) I had my Duodenal Switch 5 months ago and had a small incisional hernia repaired at the same time. (Midline incision from navel to lower breast bone.) I do 40min. a day on the elliptical. About 4 months post surgery I returned to my beloved weightlifting, but find myself fearful of doing any exercise that uses my abdominal muscles in a big way. I laid on  my back to do some butterflies today and could not sit up. I had to put the two 15lbs weights down on the floor and roll to my side to sit up. I used to do this with two-25lbs dumbells and just sit up afterward. I can see I need to do some of the core strenghtening I did before my surgery, but am just terrified. I wasn't this scared when I had the small hernia, why now?      Did any of you experiece this? How did you get back to you pre surgery training? I have had to scale way back on the amount of weight I lift. How do I progress back to where I was before?
on 2/15/07 4:53 pm - los angeles, CA
hey Sopralto, first, it's a good thing you roll on your side to get up. always do what's most comfortable to move and get up. also, you're only 4 months out so give yourself a break! don't push, that's where you get hurt. as for me i came back really slow and easy. it was almost a year before i got to pre operation weight and i still think i pushed to fast. i would continue with easy core exercises that don't stress you too bad. forget about what weight you used to use. start over with what works and doesn't cause pain, period. this is not a race so pace yourself. if you injure yourself you'll be way back there with more problems than before. i would do a variety of ab work that is comfortable with no weights involved. i'm also not a fan of twisting or bending with bars. so some back pulldowns to help your back core too. just go easy, easy, and easy again! If all this still causes pain then stop, see your doc and just forget lifting for a while and maybe swim instead or do water aerobics until your core is up to par. I swam a lot before I lifted again and that was a big help. also, dumbell flys are tough on you. maybe just try to go back to benching and if you feel you must fly go to the machine where you sit up and do it. those are the ones i do. remember, dumbells are great at balance but they can tweak you really good until you get your form down so i would suggest bar work and machines. once you get your rhythem back then go for the dumbells again as they are unforgiving when you have bad form. let us know how this works out for you and once more, go light and work your way up over time. it's not a race. good luck......Carbonblob
on 2/16/07 1:40 am - WA
My surgeon said I could start back to lifting at 2 weeks with arms and legs, wait 3 months for anything with abdominals. II did hurt my back at two week post op by doing some bicep curls, so I really backed off and waited until 4months. Amazing how we need our abdominal muscles to support our backs and don't realize how much until abd surgery. I've just always been impatient, but I can see this will get me into trouble. The swimming is a good idea. I can see the elliptical won't work my core. It's just that I have an elliptical at home and it is so convenient. After my dumbell fly fiasco, I did head over to the fly machine and someone else was using it, so gave up in discouragement. I've been back to weight lifting for a month now and feel so good afterward. I am very comfortable with the pulldown and seating row now. I missed this--I love the endorphins! The personal trainer gave me a list of core strengthening exercises as well as my weightlifting routine. I just am so nervous about doing these now. But you guys make lots of sense, I have to just lay on the mat (or exercise ball) and start slow. I don't have any friends or family who lift weights (though I have been trying to get my husband interested), so I appreciate your advice.
on 2/16/07 7:59 am - los angeles, CA
yep, curls really stress your back. i had to cut my routine short today because i worked and then did my routine and it was just too much for my back to take. so listen to your body, it will tell you when it's had too much. there's a lot of other resistence exercises to help you build up to pre op levels. the best thing i hear you say is you're going to take it easy. trust me, it will come back, just give it time. maybe do more leg workouts. they will help with the core, strength and also give you that endorphine rush as well. good luck.....Carbonblob
on 2/15/07 11:46 pm - Brick, NJ
After 4 months off, you are going to lose some strength -and- ability.  That's natural.  The good news is that it will come back quick (Google muscle memory) Yes, you will need to train your 'core', as you had it cut open for the DS -and- hernia repair.  The muscles there will naturally be weaker because of this.  Sounds like you are on a good track to me.
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