Snow is Good

on 2/14/07 12:30 pm - Cornfields of Central Illinois, IL
Ok so here it is...couple of things have popped into my head and I wanted to get them on paper...ok, electronic media, whatever. A year ago January I weighed nearly 400 pounds and was accompanying our youth group to DC for the March For Life...we always add in an extra day for the tourist stuff...I managed to walk from the Metro stop, down the Smithsonian Mall, over to the Washington and ALL the way down to the Lincoln before I had to drop out and call a darn taxi to get me back to the hotel...and I was hurting with a capital HURTING.  Not to mention the embarrassment of needing "an extender" on the flights. This past January, 90 some pounds less of me...the flight was better, the seat belts better...and I walked the @sses off a bunch of the kids this year till THEY were pleading for mercy!!  HA!!  Can NOT wait till next year with hopefully another 90 gone!!! Which brings me to the snow FARTing.. I'm stuck in the central Illinois blizzard zone that went through here the last two days...we ended up with 15" of the frozen white stuff, drifts up to 15' high in places...luckily my driveway was only about 3 foot deep across the whole thing.  But I managed to hand shovel the entire drive (with my son) and survived...not even winded...frozen yes, but not winded, not lame the next day...I did it and I can do it again!!  Well, unless I find a cheap snowblower first that is!!! So yes, one can FART in the snow and love it!!
Alejandro Gonzalez
on 2/14/07 1:38 pm - Zapopan, Mexico
Dear Padre...

Oh Yes!!! what a change a year could be... I was 305 on Jan 2006 and now...

I am copying my yearly FART from other post:

I have mantained the same weight (187 lbs) since last October... Christmas came and gone and I kept my weight without changes... this is the fisrt time in 25 years that I am able to keep the same weight after Christmas...

It has been an adventure, coming from 305 lbs to 187, changing my sizes from pants size 50 to size 34, shirts XXXL to L, I am living a FART every single day... I am wearing the clothes I like (almost all my shirts were donated from my brother, but no matter that I love them), I like what I see in the mirror, my life is normal, I do not sweat all day, I can fit in all the places, I can sit in every single chair, I sit confortably in my car, the safety belt if buckled without problems, I can take a shower and feel fresh all day... I can take out my clothes at the end of the day and they are not smelly and humid,

I am eating in a very healthy way, physically and mentally talking... I can eat all kind of food but in the propper amount and having a balanced diet...

I also can drink a glass of red wine from time to time...

I am with you... FARTING is so good... coming to life is wonderful.

Best Regards

Alejandro from Guadalajara Mexico
Dx E
on 2/14/07 3:37 pm - Northern, MS

Padre! Keep up the awesome work! (we even had a little snow flurry here in Mississippi this morning, After being in the 60’s this weekend and first of the week. I’ve never needed to shovel snow, but I’m imagining a cross between, Raking leaves and digging a pit in a sandy beach.) Keep up the walking!!! Best Wishes- Dx

on 2/15/07 8:10 pm - Strongsville, OH
Well Dx, that just stands to reason that you'd get a little snow...after all, you're in Northern MS!
on 2/14/07 10:42 pm
Awesome, Padre!!!  Keep going, my friend.
on 2/15/07 3:41 am - Mint Hill, NC
That is great news.  When I lived in the north a snow blower was an essential piece of equipment to me.  Even if I felt good I would use it.   Now that Iam in the south I hope never to see snow again.  Bzck to the maim point you have done an excellant job in losing weight and improving your health.  Keep it up! drjco

John C. Odioso Ed.D.

on 2/15/07 4:56 am - Syracuse, UT
OK you guys are the one's who took our snow and we here in Ut want it BACK ! LOL We have had very little snow so far this year , just might be a DRY summer .  It has been very cold though , there was a week or two were we stayed in the LOW teens .  YET no snow , until today we got a little dusting and then it melted . Great job brother bander  Keep up the good work it only gets better . Nick
on 2/15/07 2:26 pm - Cornfields of Central Illinois, IL
You're still the Band-Man Nick!!  And believe me, if I could package some of this stuff up and mail it'd be there tomorrow!  I've always been sure I was meant to live on the beach!!  Hey Alejandro...mail me a ticket!!!!  :-D
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/07 7:10 am - Houston, TX
Hey Padre... fly me up to your place...I got enough hot air to clear your drive.... russ
on 2/15/07 2:24 pm - Cornfields of Central Illinois, IL
Oh man!  I'd LOVE to Russ...but I'm a bit tapped out.    As soon as I get this Band paid off...and my new Black Magnum R/T, and....anyway, it'd be fun though!
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