John C. Odioso Ed.D.
Requesting a seatbelt extender is very embarrassing as we all know. On my last flight I requested an exit isle seat thinking it would help my knees by giving me more leg room, since I have arthritis in both of them, and the stewardess wouldn't let me sit there bceause I needed an extender and you were'nt allowed to sit there with an extender. I couldn't see why not, what's the difference?
Talk about embarrassed, now not only did I need an extender but I had to change my seat. My next flight is comming up on 2/22 I'm now 2 1/2 months post-op and it would be great if I didn't need the extender. here's hoping!!!
Great news, JP!
I remember flying with size 44 waist. It was a lot harder to get to seats, and to get up and let people in or out. The tray alway**** my stomach and I never felt comfortable or totally relaxed in the seat. Now, all of that has passed. I catch myself dozing and feeling pretty comfortable just sitting there (a good thing, when you have to fly up to 14 hours in a stretch).