Cupid Day Coffee Talk
Happy Valentine's Day EVERYONE! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
I hope you have had a great nights rest. I slept like a ROCK! I guess I was really pooped cause I haven't slept this hard in a LONG time!
Show a little love today! 

It's love day!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? Nothing yet, but I'm headed to the coffee pot as soon as I post this.
Today would have been Joie's 36th birthday. It's kind of a special day for us.
I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day FULL of LOVE!

For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Have a great day for yourself today.
I don't know how the weather is by you today, but it's terrible hear on Long Island. Slush, freezing rain,wind----yuck. This caused me to OD on the coffee today. I had an extra large Dunkin Donut coffee while drivng my wife to work and then made a pot of Dunkin Donut Hazelnut coffee when I got home (an had 2 cups of that).
That should keep me going all day. Have a good one!