New Goal System and Forum Upgrades

(deactivated member)
on 2/13/07 9:11 am - Yakima, WA


Share Your Goals: A few weeks ago, Amy posted about Setting Goals (,4856/cat_id, 4456/topic_id,3181042/a,messageboard/action,replies/#2449448 0); Goals are things that we intend to work towards and actually accomplish...making baby steps or even huge strides to achieve these goals in our lives.  You, the members of ObesityHelp, have posted such inspiring and touching goals that ObesityHelp wanted to find a way to help preserve those goals; a way to help you to keep track of them; to see each day what you want to accomplish and how far you've come. 


ObesityHelp is very pleased to announce a new Goal Tracking System, so that members can list their goals and track their progress.  You can link this into your profile; keep it private to your friends list only or private to your-eyes-only.  It's up to you whether you want to share your goals or not.  But this way YOU can see what you want to do and how you're doing on them - this allows you to not lose site of the many brass rings so many of you have in your lives that you're reaching for.

To access the Goal Tracking System, you can locate this in your Shortcuts (at the top next to your photo) or in a short while, it will appear in the left hand panel of your profile (in the new profiles only) – or you can view other people’s goal by visiting this link:   New forums:  You may also discover that some forums have changed to the NEW format, like the main messageboard/forum (  If you have any questions, please let us know.   IT is slowly rolling all boards over to the new format.   ObesityHelp welcomes your feedback, questions and comments and hope you'll find the new Goal Tracking System a useful tool in your journey. 




ObesityHelp Member Services  [email protected]  

on 2/15/07 4:52 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Thanks for the innovation.  I'll be sure to give it a try.
(deactivated member)
on 2/15/07 5:51 am - Yakima, WA
Hope you like it! 
Dx E
on 2/19/07 6:46 am - Northern, MS

Hey Dame T! I  have some questions about the new Board Up-grade/format…here on The Men's Forum... Didn't know exactly where to ask, so I dropped it in here...... It's stuff I never noticed as "Missing" on the Main Board because I didn’t use/need those functions---But- **Roster of Members? I always used that one Very Often to look up guys who’d ‘fallen out of posting lately and to go back and find particular topics posted by people I remembered.. **Up Coming Surgeries and/or Anniversaries (for people who post on this Board?) That made dropping a line to support pages pretty quick… **Is there a way to see just "Urgent Posts?" I used that to find old-(memorable)-posts as well… Have these features gone? Or am I just missing the link?

And one last one…. Forums » Men » Content---Plans for Future Content? Perhaps a place to drop some of "The Greatest Hits" of the Men’s Board? Thanks so much…… Best Wishes-


 Capricious;  Impulsive,  Semi-Predictable       

(deactivated member)
on 2/19/07 11:04 am - Yakima, WA
Sigh...I'm so sorry Dx.  Those have all went away with the next system and I doubt they're coming back.   Though I will express the desire to have them return.   Roster of members was removed because on big boards (like the CA state forum, as an example) the list took so long to load it bogged computers down, or wouldn't load at all).  The Friends list could replace it, in that you can keep track of specific people by adding them to your list.  I know, that's likely inadequate, but it's the only 'solution' I've found to the lost rosters.  Upcoming surgeries and anniversaries are now all lumped into one list per month/year up under people, in the top navigation.  It's no longer board specific. No way to view urgent posts only. If you miss specific features, I can only suggest you write into [email protected] and express your desire to have them returned and why.  We can forward it on to those who make the ultimate decisions on the messageboard options available.  They may have went away due to technical problems (such as I described above with the rosters) and in that case, would not be able to be implimented again...... HTH, ~Tooter
Dx E
on 2/19/07 12:21 pm - Northern, MS

Hi, The "rosters" link was one that I’d click .... ..and then go to the other room to read a novel or cook a turkey while it loaded. I can certainly understand…. I can always just cruise the upcoming surgeries by month… The friends list! Now there’s a reason for it! I’ve been trying to find one. I’m still unclear as to ‘friend’s list etiquette.’ Often a ‘request’ will pop-up from someone I’ve never even seen on any board And I think- "Do I know you?" Would it be rude to send back a message asking such? I’ve been wondering how that feature will evolve. Thanks for the info!! Best Wishes- Dx

(deactivated member)
on 2/20/07 5:15 am - Yakima, WA
LOL on the friends list - the etiquette is er um self-decided, I feel.  If you want to know about someone or WHY they want on your list or you on their list, why not ask?  I mean, it's kind of like someone asking for your email address....umm ok, but WHY do you want it? :o) If you'll bear with me, I have two copy and pastes about the purpose of the friends list.  Use what ya need and toss the rest :o) Ok, the friends list.  It serves a few purposes:    Privacy - Some people are extremely private.  You can make blog entries and/or photos viewable to ONLY those on your friends list.  Some people only want friends or family to see these things.  You can make ALL blog entries private to friends only  - or just specific ones.  This gives you the ability to write pretty much ANYTHING you want (vent, show your plastics pics in more detail, write sonnets, etc.)  and keep it private from prying eyes.     Linking - If someone is your friend, you can link a photo that they are in to the friend.    Locating updates - Someone being on your friends list makes it easier to locate their profile for future interest.    Upcoming possible features - OH is working on adding other possible features such as multiple PM's to those on your friends list, maybe only those on the friends list can PM you...and things like this.  It definitely has its uses, if you want to use them.  If sweat :o)    To add a friend, either click the add friend button under their post OR go to their profile and next to their picture should be a link that says Add as a Friend.  Click either and it sends them an email request.  IF they click approve under your picture on thier friends area, you're added to each others page.  If you don't see the button or link then either they are already on your friends list or you're not logged in. Why someone might have a HUGE friends list: 1. Sometimes, it's not who YOU know that builds your friends list to high numbers, but more those who know you or wants to know you. Someone who is a frequent poster often gets a lot of friend requests, even from people they don't really know. But that person wants to keep track of them for whatever reason. 2. Sometimes a friend request is sent by accident. When you go to send a PM to someone, it is very easy to hit the wrong link and accidentally send a friend invite. 3. Staff members and volunteers (both official and unofficial) of OH tend to have very large friends list - sometimes huge. People find it easier to locate our profiles to PM us when in need if we are on their friends lists. 4. Some people have extremely short friends lists because they have very private things posted on their blogs or photo albums and only allow close friends and family to view it. So, I hope nobody ever takes offense to be turned down. Some people have to be VERY careful out of necessity.   Hope that helps explain it a bit better, ~Tooter OH Staff
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