Ooops!! Smaller Bites, and chew... chew... chew... chew... chew... etc...

Semper Fi Dad, Bad eating habits are tough to break. After all, we’ve probably been wolfing down our food since we were kids. Learning to eat slowly and chewing thoroughly are tough for all of us to get used to. Here is what works for me. 1. Use a salad plate instead of a regular size plate. It helps control portion size. 2. Use a smaller than normal fork. I use a narrow 3-tine fork and a regular teaspoon. 3. Set your fork completely down between bites. Don’t pick it up and reload it until you are done chewing and have swallowed. 4. Chew your food on both sides of your mouth at the same time. When it feels like it is disappearing and you can feel the saliva building it is time to swallow. With a little practice it will become second nature and you won’t have to think about it anymore.
As for bread, it is a problem for me too so I generally avoid it.
May Your Lantern Burn Bright,
Yup...for those of us who got the RNY procedure, I think that problem is referred to as the "foamies" -- and it's just as bad for us guys too!
An absolutely AWFUL feeling...and yup, I too drink water to try to dislodge the blocking item...and I even jump up & down a bit too....figuring that maybe that'll help...
No fun for sure - so CHEW CHEW CHEW!!!