Anyone Tried CoQ10?
Hello Brothers,
Recently, I've been mega dosing Coenzyme Q10, taking the max dose of 1200 mg. (1.2 grams). I think the weights that I lift are too heavy for me to be imagining this. During workouts, I have a lot more stamina, I'm a lot less out of breath and not matter what I do, I'm hardly sore the next day.
I know the placebo effect and "faith" in something can both be powerful, but a difference that is this pronounced seems impossible at age 45, unless the supplement is doing it. I remember when I was in my 30's and thin, I was dying after less exercise than I'm doing now. Yesterday, I literally sprinted for 30 minutes in that CC ski race and today - no soreness.
As for research, it seems that nothing can be determined about Co Q10
. In other words, the studies have been mixed, they can't prove that Co Q10 does or doesn't work.
Just wondering if anyone has experienced anything positive with Co Q10? If so, it might be something for those who are in pain or those who simply want to exercise more.
Let Me Know Bros,
(This fairy has nothing to do with my attending the Sydney Mardi Gras!)

Me, Me
My Cardiologist put me on it....
Perhaps he reasoned-
"People with heart failure have been found
to have lower levels of Co q10 in heart muscle cells."
He has all his patients take it.....So I use it for Heart reasons....cause the Doc said to...
My Cholesterol levels are beyond phenomenally perfect now-a-days
But that is most likely due to my RNY and the subsequent dietary changes...
Best Wishes-

Hey Dave, Have done some research that past couple of days on the CoQ10 and sounds like it could really help with my return to exercise. At the Vitamin Shoppe, they have 25, 50 and 100 mg - what strength are you taking and how much? I'd like to grab some tonight. Have you noticed if it helped with your sex drive? Talks a lot about added "stamina"

Hi Rick,
My drive is already pretty much maxed out as it is (doesn't that increase with age?), but maybe we were having a little more fun this week, or could be because of ovulation. But maybe a little more enjoyable.
I'm taking the absolute max - 3 400 mg gelcaps for 1200 mg. Now brand makes the 400's. Try for those.
Best Wishes,