Hiccups (sorta?) when I'm full?
Hey all....
just wanted to ask you all....I've noticed in the past say 2 months or so, that when I'm "full" after a meal, I get -- well -- sorta hiccups? they come in like 2's or 3 quick little hiccups, and my wife and I now know that this usually means "I'm full!"
anyone else ever get these? they're not really hiccups, but sorta like them?

Hey Jim,
I know the answer to this one, and I'm quite certain that Dx will be along in just a few to assist wit this one. I had posted a couple of days ago(Odd Question was the thread) about sneezing. Dx has one of his post/re-posts about the Vegus nerve. It's what does it. Something to do with the Vegus nerve is the answer. I'll leave the rest of the 'splainin' to you Dx!!!
3 1/2+years out, and I still hiccup if I take One Bite Too Many-
That, or get a runny nose.
Pretty Common for RNY's.
It has to do with that whole Vagal nerve signal Thang-
Here's the thread Troy mentioned......
And yep, that's usually it....
Stop One Bite Sooner......
Best Wishes-
hey Jim,
rarely will i hiccup. however, i always have a runny nose! i think they knicked my vegas nerve or something because i always look like i have a cold! not that big a deal but it gets boring wiping my nose all the time in front of customers and friends. i guess it's better than farting all the time! Carbonblob