"Dumping" after Max Exertion?

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/10/07 2:26 pm - Japan
Hey Guys, I've never really had a full dump after eating sweets or anything, but just a couple of hours ago I took part in a three mile cross-country ski. It was fine for the first 15minutes, then I felt overcome by the urge to whip everyone's a$$ and sprinted for another 32 minutes. I felt fine during, but about 30 minutes afterwards my body began to ache all over and I felt exhausted. I lay on the couch remaining in this condition for about an hour. Then, I fell asleep for about 15 minutes and it was over. I had a good breakfast, balanced in everything and I'm sure I wasn't anywhere near being dehydrated. I generally pop right out of this kind of activity unphased, but this was so intense that it was like a dump. Just wondering if anyone has experienced this post-op following intense or max exertion? My only guess is that with my reduced intake my body tries to conserve glycogen, leaving me with a bigger deficit of blood sugar (??). Best Regards, Dave
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/10/07 2:29 pm - Japan
Oh! Addendum: One thing I have noticed is that some of my friends who have are lifelong thin and light eaters, often seem to have (used to have?) a bigger crash after bouts of exercise like the one above. Wonder if my metabolism has changed to more closely resemble theirs, or possibly my low body fat is causing me to conserve? Mysteries, Dave
Dx E
on 2/10/07 9:59 pm - Northern, MS
No clue on that one Dave. It does sound like a blood sugar drop, and one from over-exertion Makes sense. Get some re-coop time in that working out routine. Hope you're feeling great! Best Wishes- Dx
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/11/07 5:11 am - Japan
Dx, One thing that might be causing it, is that I accidentally ordered "time release" Alpha Lipoic Acid (an F is for Fatigue drug). I crushed this up and took it with my crushed up multivitamins. Little did I know, that it was more than three times the recommended dose. And like you said in your "F is for Fatigue" post, Alpha Lipoic Acid is the only one that can cause side effects, such as *low blood sugar*. So, that may have been part of the problem. I'll cut that one way back. In addition to that, I'll assume it's from eating less. Maybe I do need a carb drink during events like that, even if they are less than one hour. From today, I'll be sure to cut back to the recommended 50-100 mg. on the Alpha Lipoic Acid. Best Regards, Dave
Rick G.
on 2/11/07 2:16 am
Hey Dave, I experienced a very similar situation yesterday. I had my RNY on Nov 11, I was @ 250 and now @ 180 - been walking every morning since surgery and playing racquetball a lot since the first of the year, but yesterday I played hard for about 75 mins, came home, had some cottage cheese, and just crashed - I mean exhausted. Ended up falling asleep for 2 1/2 hours on the couch - just hadn't hit a wall like that before. Drank water while playing, but, like Doc says, maybe blood sugar drop. Felt better last night and OK today, heading to the court in a few - what the heck! Rick
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/11/07 5:26 am - Japan
Hi Rick, 75 minutes is a long bout of raquetball! That burns a lot of energy. Sounds like low blood sugar and exhaustion combined. What was weird about mine was that I was feeling whole-body muscle exhaustion/ pain, which then *completely* disappeared after a 15 minute nap. If you feel like you've recovered, it's good that you're going back. The body has a way of adapting to this kind of thing and coming back stronger. If you're not feeling quite recovered, be careful as that is a high injury sport. Warming up followed by stretching will help prevent ankle twists and the like. Best Regards, Dave
Rick G.
on 2/11/07 5:34 am
Hey Dave, Many thanks! Just back from a great racquetball match - kept it to an hour today and won it in 3 str8 sets!! Feel good, nothing like yesterday - gonna grab a shower - head out and shoot some RATS (run around town ****) - Sun is out here in LA - turned into a great day - mid 60's. Must have been a combo of the extra 15 mins, a tough competitor and maybe not stretched enough prior to the game. Take care and again thanks for the advice ! Can't tell you much fun it is to be back at this - played a lot in the late 80's but then could not after I got so heavy. Regards, Rick
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/11/07 6:27 am - Japan
Glad to hear you're feeling better, Rick. Sometimes all it takes is one day at a new level of exertion and next bout, you're fine. I used to see this all the time when people were trying out the Nautilus circuit. First anaerobic exercise in years for most of them. Some would experience nausea. Second workout, though they were fine. I'm off for my "recovery ski" today, too! It's Monday and a national holiday here. Best Wishes, Dave
Rick G.
on 2/11/07 12:46 pm
Sounds great Dave - where is here for the National Holiday? Tomorrow, it's a state holiday here in California (Lincoln's Birthday) and next Monday, a national holiday - President's Birthday (Washington). Had a great 9 days of skiing in Aspen and Vail at the end of Jan - heading to UT for 4 days at the end of February and then a great trip to Switzerland the last week of March. God, it's fun to be able to do those things again! I recently went to my PCP and he suggested I try to start some weight training - in addition to the walking everyday and the racquetball. Never have lifted or worked out with weights - so I'm thinking I should start with a personal trainer and get the basics down. I'm thinking about either before or after my racquetball sessions, I just don't have the time for more trips to the gym. Any suggestions - re: before or after? Thanks! Rick
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/11/07 1:46 pm - Japan
Hi Rick, It's National Day here in Japan (Strange coincidence, do you think McArthur maybe arranged that so it would fall on Lincoln's BD?). As for which first, it really depends on where you want your energy/ focus to wane. Whichever you do first will make you super warmed up for the other, but being that both tend to be anaerobic, there will be the tendancy for energy/ focus or desire to evaporate in the second activity. Maybe you could raquet first some days, lift first other days? Just My Two, Dave
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