OT: Those Cheerleaders Close Up
Hey Guys,
Come to think of it, I do get a little uncomfortable when I look at those cheerleaders. How about you?:
Guess I am a sports spectator after all!
For what it's worth (not much), Poppa Chubby's version of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah is pretty good.
I was going to try to make something clever out of the juxtapostion of cheerleaders and HALLELUJAH until I remembered that the song Hallelujah is haunting and somewhat spiritual in tone. So, out respect, I'll settle for recommending *juxtapositioning* cheerleaders with the aforementioned Mr. Chubby.

OK, perception check....
Did we all click on Kathryn Bunny 1st?
Or maybe Hayley Bunny #1?
Check yourself again....
When it asks- "Click on any of the cheerleaders to go to their profile page"
was your cursor magnetically drawn to Boobs?
Or did you click on the ones at the edges of the herd....?
(Hayley Bunny #2, Corrine Bunny, etc...)
[my cursor has the "Boob-ometer/ Mammary Seek" feature....]
Who could possibly notice that rugby/aussie-football
Was even being played at the stadium?
They could just as well be playing tether-ball with those gals on the sidelines...
Best Wishes-

It's true! I'm a cleavage clicker, but they've got that image map set up so that you can click anywhere from cleavage to beavage. I think I also "subconsciously" went to Kathryn Bunny as well.
They seem to like bunnies over there. I attended the Mardi Gras in Sydney and a lot of the gay blokes seemed to be wearing bunny ears (and black leather pants - pretty sticky in Sydney weather, I *suppose*)