Gassin' out the wife!
Hey Jim, just blame the dog and go back to sleep. I still have that problems now and then.
You want to have a little fun with it. 

Walk down one asile in the grocery store, let it rip. Now move over to the next asile and watch people coming down thru the cloud. You can actually see couples fighting blameing the other for doing it. Maybe I just must get a life!

I've found out that my thermo-nuclear gas was!
Some folks that are lactose intolerant use soy products. I am soy intolerant.
I had some tofu stir fry at the cafeteria at work the first time it hit. And when I say bad gas, I mean BAD....CAN'T STAND IT BAD....OH MY GOD, HOW DID THAT COME OUT OF MY BODY BAD....OH MY GOD, I WENT SHOPPING FOR ALMOST AN HOUR, CAME BACK TO THE CAR AND WANTED TO BARF BAD!!!!
I couldn't believe it. I didn't realize it was the tofu. Two weeks later, stir fry tofu...same result. OK, I thought, no tofu for me.
Then, a few weeks ago, it happened again. I didn't know what the hell it was. (Here's where I cursed myself for not writing down everything I put in my mouth.)
It took me a day and a half to figure it out. I had been drinking 100% Whey protein powder drink every day for more than 3 months with no problem. When they stopped selling that brand at Costco, I just bought the new brand. That's when the lightbulb went off in my head. I examined the label and noticed the new protien powder was a blend of proteins, including soy. I stopped that mix, and the disgusting gas stopped.
Best of luck, brother. If it continues, start keeping a food diary to help you isolate the cause, and then find a substitue.