I need my butt kicked!
OK... Here is the deal
You paid good money out of YOUR pocket to purchase a tool
Now instead of using the tool, you put it in the corner of the woodshed
I propose that you just relax
and pull your head out from your
, grab that tool and use it
Remember, the tool is not magic
, and it does require some work from you
Before you know it you will be jumping for joy
, and dancing in the streets
Good to hear from you +Padre+, I am proud to count you as a FRIEND
Semper Fidelis!!

Hello there friend! It sure has been a while, I was wondering about you. I need my ass kicked too lol I'm 10 days away from my 1 year anniversary and I really need to lose about 6 pounds, so start now and finish strong. We all need a boost sometimes. Take care buddy and good to see you in the locker room again.

Hey Hawks! I'm right there with you...I've got till March 21st to meet my option B 1st year goal of dropping my first one hundred and I've only got 8-10 to do to get that....it's just the same darn 10 that I've been playing with since like my 6 month goal came and went I guess. I WILL get it done.
Your photos are making you "looking good"...great thing that Photoshop yes?
Seriously Tony..great job to get yourself to where you're at today! Keep it up and those next 6 will start to drop and you'll be at your goal no problem!
Thanks for the post/reply! I needed ALL ya'll to get my feet pointed down the path again....asked for it, and got it!! Gotta love this board!