Anyone else ever have these moments???

on 2/7/07 11:37 pm - New Haven, CT
Hey my Brothers I was thinking about why did (I) we get weight loss surgery? Was it for better health, to look better, to feel good about ourselves or was (I) we just too lazy to stop eating crazy and do it the "quote unquote right way" or was it for someone else(Children, Husband, Wife, ETC..)?? I began to answer myself saying that all of my life I have been overweight and I just got sick & tired of FAT, having Diabetes, not being able to fit into chairs, planes, buses and have to buy expensive clothes!! Then my other voice said well you were the one who ate all of the junk food, Mikey D's, B.K. Popeyes,etc,etc. You are the one that would not excercise or take the doctors advice and ended up taking all that Insulin, High Blood Pressure Pills. Then I got mad and said to myself well that is why I had WLS and the voice said "So why are you sitting here eating Ice Cream and depressed when you have been given this tool to help you maintain all of the goals that you want to accomplish??" I answered cause I am scared of the outcome, I may fail or the crazy thing is I may acheive all of my goals(plus just too lazy and want it to happen overnight). The vocie said the ball is your court what you gonna do??? Anyone else ever have these moments???
on 2/8/07 1:43 am - Metrowest, MA
Bro diamond I have had some of the same thoughts especally the wanting it to happen overnight. However I have had to think about the fact that I put most of my weight on over a 15yr period I was not going to come of overnight. I would have liked it to. I am still afraid that I am going to fail at this. I try to get my exercise in daily doesn't allways happen and I do beat myself up over it sometimes but I try to get 30 mins in thoughout the day. I hope that you will achieve all of your goals. If you want to talk just drop me aline. Doug.
on 2/8/07 7:58 am - San Francisco, CA
Hey Bro, We ALL go through those times of reflection/question/fear....We can't beat ourselves up with the "I was too lazy...I got myself in this mess...." etc. Obesity is a disease that is a whole lot more than just weighing too much. It is a complicated, cunning animal that is a lifelong disease, regardless of our 'current' weight. Personally, I'm grateful that the hospital I went to has a comprehensive Bariatric program that includes weekly and monthly meetings. I can't make the every Tue. meeting due to work, but I let my wife and kids know, every 3rd Sat. of the month, I go to my class. It helps. It reminds everybody that they're not in it alone, and it helps keep everybody 'on board'. If you have a resource like that, I'd say take advantage of it! Dennis
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