Nutrition links
This guy is my guru.
I think I posted this link yesterday, but everything on it is worth the read. He takes alot of time and explains processes like how fat is burned and the like. Days worth of reading here
I am real fond of this article BTW..
I liked this quote/ main point from the second article:
"North Americans aren't getting so darned fat and/or unhealthy simply because of overeating. Often they replace good foods with the super-sized sugars, the trans fats, and the other nasty fast food ingredients. The good foods have the power to negate the effects of these nasty, health-degrading junk foods, but because people become too concerned with energy balance, they simply displace the good stuff.
In fact, if people simply ate a high protein, antioxidant and micronutrient rich diet supplemented with junk food, they'd end up leaner and healthier than those who got the same amount of calories (and often even fewer calories) from empty, displacing foods. "
Come to think of it, I think I became MO primarily from eating way to much healthy food, but maybe that, combined with the minimum 1-2 bouts of exercise/ week, helped me to keep reasonably healthy.