Eddie Murphy Can Kiss My Ass!

(deactivated member)
on 2/7/07 5:15 am - Island Heights, NJ
Rant comin' here. Is anyone else here bothered by this douche? This new "Norbit" movie is his what... 3rd, 4th movie that allows him to make millions of dollars by putting on a fat suit and doing the same old tired goofs on morbidly obese people? How is this funny? Why is this acceptable? How many question marks can I jam into one post? But really... I bet Ed would be plenty pissed if some a-hole like Jim Carey put on blackface for some movie that goofed on black stereotypes. It seems that obese people are one of the few groups that it's still okay for everyone to make fun of (along with midgets and people of Indian descent). I think it's time to stop with all this chubby-hating and stick it to the folks *****ally deserve it... Yankee Fans! (Easy... easy... just a little joke) Just Venting. Be Well, A.J.
on 2/7/07 5:22 am - Brick, NJ
"If you smile at me, I will understand 'Cause That is something everybody, everywhere does in the same language." -CSNY "Wooden Ships" Peace bro.
Scott William
on 2/7/07 7:44 am
I know you are not a Sox fan. METS??? If you look on the discrimination paperwork that hangs all over the walls of state and federal buildings, you will notice that there is no mention of weight on those. It is legal to discriminate against fat people. Eddie Murphy makes a good mivie cop. Beverly Hills cop 4 anyone? Scott
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/07 8:41 am - Island Heights, NJ
Yup, I bleed Blue & Orange.
Scott William
on 2/7/07 1:51 pm
Mets fan ! That is funny !!! ..................... Scott
Mr. Jim P.
on 2/7/07 8:31 am - Pittsburgh, PA
Personally it doesn't bother me (nor his making fun of nerds of which I am one also), and I think our society has become far too hypersensitive. But the thing that I can't stand is hypocricy, and you brought up an excellent point about people who have no problem making fun of other groups while getting angry when their group is made fun of. I don't personally know what Eddie Murphy thinks about it when people make fun of his ethnicity, so I'll have to withhold judgment there...and do some hunting on the net.
Dx E
on 2/7/07 8:57 am - Northern, MS
A.J. Eddie's propensity to dress up like fat guys Is small potatoes compared to his other fondness for disguises. In all of these movies he also plays the female roles. Remember the mom and granny in Nutty Professor? Checkout- http://www.comicscommunity.com/boards/hudnall/?noframes;read=1280 As for the "fat-suit" roles? I think the chubby folk come off as sympathetic in his films. But now Martin Short and the Jiminy Glick character? That's just some straight out 'fat-bashing.' Short's about as funny as a dead pun...and that's when he's at his best. He's not really clever enough to have folks "Laugh With" him, So as a substitution, He's created a character That folks feel comfortable 'Laughing AT.' Like dressing up as a freak in order to work at the freak-show.... Best wishes- Dx
on 2/8/07 2:42 pm - gainesville, GA
Not only does he tend to dress up like women... but does anybody remember the ride he gave that nice "lady" on hollyweird blvd. a few years ago? http://news.softpedia.com/news/Eddie-Murphy-s-1997-Transvestite-Prostitute-Encounter-Fear- 19211.shtml I don't care myself, but.. well, it makes you wonder.
on 2/7/07 10:07 am - San Francisco, CA
I agree that it's too easy to make fun of fat people. We've all been on the recieving end of that! It ought not be 'celebrated' in attempts to be 'funny'. However, as I think back on what I remember of the Professor Clump movie, it's not the special effects or any feeling that Murphy takes cheap shots at fat guys, it is the scene in the night club when the 'fat' Murphy character, a brilliant scientist, is humiliated by the idiot comic on stage, when he is on his 'dream date'. My heart literally ached when I saw that. The character was demoralized and emasculated (sp?) by an ignoramus. I'll never forget being a fat kid at the freshman dance and asking a pretty girl to dance (a sophomore), a girl I'd recognized from my neighborhood but didn't really know. She was nice enough to say yes and for just a few moments, it was heaven....until she had trouble controlling her laughing because her stuck up friend was making faces and laughing at her. I know how Murphy's character felt. I was glad the lights were low because I was red as an apple with embarrasesment. Thirty years later, I can still feel the joy and pain of that one dance. Sounds like I'm rambling, so let me end by saying I'm not sure Murphy's not showing that it isn't cool to make fun of fat people.
(deactivated member)
on 2/7/07 10:14 pm
METS?!? Gee, now it's hard for me to relate to you (Go Yanks). The fat suit jazz doesn't bother me as much, as the whole bad movie thing. Eddie Murphy, please make a rated-R comedy again.
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