OT: Nowak - Too Much Control?

NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/6/07 4:49 am - Japan
Hi Fellows, I live in Japan and fairly frequently, see teachers and academics, who appear to be very organized and in control "fall over the edge" and do something really twisted or perverted (though usually nonviolent). Since I see less severe incidently happening a lot, the recent case of the female astronaut facinates me. She supposedly had everything and then fell into what looks like a kidnap (murder?) attempt: http://us.cnn.com/2007/US/02/06/nowak.profile/index.html If anyone has time/ interest, I'm really curious as to what causes apparently capable successful people to sometimes lose it. Compulsive behavior gone awry? More self-control than the mind can handle? Pursuit of the "ultimate"? I'd like to experience any insights on this that you may have. Thanks in Advance, Dave
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/6/07 5:24 am - Japan
I did catch one hint: Oefelein, the male astronaut that these two women were pursuing has listed his main hobby as "weightlifting".
Dx E
on 2/6/07 5:33 am - Northern, MS
A classic case of "Wrapped-Too-Tight." I see students all of the time that I think- "They'll end up on the tower with a rifle any day now..." Maybe after being in outer space, the rest of life on the planet Seems to need a bit more spice? As for the "weight-lifter" biz? If You suddenly turn up missing.... Is there a Japanese Astronautess that we should question? Best Wishes- Dx
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/6/07 6:00 am - Japan
Dx, That's interesting. Reminds me a little of the student body during my UVa days. Here where the cultural difference is so distinct, and where male-female roles are so different, I frequently see western women (though not all of them) trying to "wrap" themselves more and more tightly, perhaps as a defense. To allow too much of another culture in would go against everything that mommy taught them (speculation?). No Japanese females of that caliber or wrapping around here, so I don't get to "launch any into orbit, ". But unfortunately, there are western female coworkers who try to get me to "wrap" myself up as tightly as they. Here, it would tend to be more of a male issue. When males as a group rarely make risque jokes, and they rarely do in Japan, perversion seems to follow. Every 2-3 months, they catch a male teacher looking up girls' skirts with a hand mirror, blatantly harassing female students, or something of the like. Best Regards, Dave
Scott William
on 2/6/07 6:38 am
I can't wait to see how they use the weightlessness defence. On a side note, I am now in love with her as I have also been with the teachers who sleep with their students. There must be some psych issue there. Scott
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/6/07 6:42 am - Japan
No psych issues, Scott - Gues they would be really enthusiastic in the sack! And the ones I've seen are pretty hot! (Someone's gonna kill me here!)
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/07 6:47 am - Eagle River, AK
Dave -- I'm just pissed that this psycho ***** had to drag Alaska's one and only astronaut (Bill Oefelein) into this with her! I think this is a classic case of "God Syndrome". She's only 43, a Navy Flag Officer and an astronaut. Either one would have major prestige on its own, but together makes for a person who is larger than life. She's had people kissing her ass for so long that I think she honestly thought she would get away with this stunt. I know NASA's official position on this has been "He status hasn't changed with the organization", but I hope they crucify her. America's astronauts have always been icons of integrity and honor, and I hate to see their image tarnished by the ravings of a lunatic. - Bob
(deactivated member)
on 2/6/07 8:15 am - Houston, TX
Hey Dave.... some times you think of the old saying, and realize they are true..."the biggger they are, the harder they fall" Look at Richard Nixon.....you are too young to remember, how in the last months he unraveled.....scarey.... geez, that mug shot was one for the historybook.... Russ
Doug Such
on 2/6/07 8:23 am - Northern, CA
Hi Dave and guys, I'm afraid I can't share my hard-earned insights into what makes apparently capabable successful people sometimes lose it--particularly in this particular area of obsession. Too embarrassing--stupid--to share. More importantly, She Who Must Be Obeyed would not be pleased. I suspect that part of what happens is that we sometimes take ourselves and our "feelings" to be the center of the universe and then, wham, King Baby takes over. Sometimes I'm amazed that more people don't lose it big time more often. Here are couple of links from the Washington Post website about Nowak, one article and one online discussion with a NASA honcho. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2007/02/06/DI2007020600659.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/06/AR2007020600106.html Doug
on 2/6/07 9:03 am - Mint Hill, NC
Dave; I had 31 years in public education, 20 in building level administration and 3 in Central Office. During that time I had to deal with three severe cases of "Burn-out" that exploded in the school setting. I was not surprised with any of them. I could see the individuals becoming stressed out and had recommended two of the three to our employee wellness program. One of the indicators I noted was that these individuals became frustrated with the repetitive routine common in structured enviornments like a high school or middle school. Simple things like bell schedules ruling their daily eating and toileting needs, became issues for them. Those who felt they were not understood by the system they were in showes stress. Two of these individuals worked with secondary Emotionally Disturbed students who had value systems these individuals could not understand. My take on this was there were good teachers who probably would serve very well in an enviornment where they had some control and could express themselves and their individuality, were put into enviornments were they felt that they had no control. One of these individuals had finally broke down in the classroom and cried because he was overwhelmed by the difference between his value system and the ones the students were in. He felt his skills were being wasted on students who did not appreciate him and he had no way out. The loss of control over individuals such as students or lovers by those who are stressed out and see no future for themselves is often the breaking point. Once the point is reached rational thought seems to be replaced by irrationality. Too structured of an enviornment is one of the stressors. drjco
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