Doc Stats site?

Chris M.
on 2/5/07 12:20 am
Hi guys, Does anyone know of a web site that I can look up a Dr.'s statistics as far as weight loss surgery is concerned? I have read many testimonials for my potential Dr. and they are filled with "The Dr. was sooooo nice!" I really don't care if the guy is a total jack wad as long as he is good at his job. Besides, I am fairly certain that dead people don't post Dr. testimonials. Maybe being a bit irrational here, sorry. Thank you and best wishes to all, Chris
on 2/5/07 12:50 am - Colonial Heights, VA
Don't know if this wil help but my insurance, Atena, has pateint references that I used and i also just did searches on the doctors name on the internet Yahoo and Google, and got some info on their history and involvement. I would also think people on this website would have some experience with whomever you are considering, but you might want to communicate with personal email so no legal repercussions become and issue with slander etc if comments are on the negative side. Some people may be more caution of that then others. Just a thought. Good Luck. Joe
NotDave (Howyadoin?)
on 2/5/07 3:36 am - Japan
Hey Joe, How are you feeling? Dave
on 2/5/07 1:50 am - KOKOMO, IN
Chris Joe gave you some really good info in his post. I did a lot of research on different surgeons where I planned to have my surgery. I might add that all of them were excellent but I found a web page that showed the Dr experience, type of surgery they do mostly, and of importance to me was how many did they operate on that died. In my case I found my surgeon had one loss out of over 900 surgeries. So I ask her what happened and found out that her patient got an infection and blood clots and died. We had a long discussion about how to prevent this. I also spent time on my Indiana State board and talked with people who use this surgeon and how they felt about her. They all were extremely postive. With that information in hand I scheduled a visit with her and was very impressed. She is tough but honest and straight forward. I feel I made and excellent educated choice in having her do my surgery. In fact I see her on Friday to do another operation to fix a herinated naval that I developed after surgery. Do your research and make a good educted decission. Dan
Scott William
on 2/5/07 8:42 am
This link is right here on the OH boards . It does not tell how many they have killed but it does tell how many they have done. My surgeon told the crowd at his seminar that the death rate at my hospital is 1/1300. I guess you should ask the individual surgeons. Here is the link:
Dx E
on 2/5/07 10:22 am - Northern, MS
Chris, Several places to check.... If your Doc is with a particular hospital group, They have his "stats" on file for the public. Easy to get particularly if it's a County or State Hospital Or connected to a University in any way. If public moneys go to keep it open, and some of those moneys go to him, It's at your local library. Drop a line out to your Local State Board of OH. Someone there may have done an internet search and spent the 24 bucks to do a thorough background check. It'll tell the number of times he's been sued for Mal-practice and such as well. Just go for a google search and dig till you hit pay-dirt... "The Truth is Out There..." Best way? ---Ask Him. This is a guy who you may eventually trust to be up to his elbows in your body. He'll be up your butt from the Inside-Out! Yes? That's someone you'd want to trust. If he's trustworthy, he can certainly look you in the eye and answer a straight forward- "How's your track record Dude?!" "Got anything on paper?" "Off'ed anyone lately?" "Ever mis-place your watch?" "How'd you end up cuttin' on fat people's guts for a livin'?" Yeah, bedside manner and communication skill, Is what most folks remember, And ends up being the deciding factor in most mal-practice suits, But having the statistics and track record makes placing a bet A hell of a lot easier. Give me a "Dr. House" who's the smartest most skilled genius in the town, Even if he is an Azz. As long as he's an Azz I'd trust. Best wishes- Dx
Chris M.
on 2/5/07 9:18 pm
Thank you guys, I did do a bit of online research regarding the doc (including the link you gave me Scott, ty) and much of it seems to be good. He is "critically acclaimed" having received awards and everything I read is positive. No where have a I found statistical data. I assume he will mention some at the seminar I will be attending on the 15th, if not maybe I could ask hime there or at a personal consultation. There is going to be some list of questions for this guy, including the "watch" question, lol. Thanks again to you all and best wishes, Chris
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