on 2/5/07 12:28 am - KOKOMO, IN
Well as I told you last week, I was scheduled to visit a Pain Management Dr in Indianapolis on Thursday. The results were much like the past two, very depressing. He also said there is not much that can be done due to the degenerative condition of my lower spine. The only thing that might possibly help is the implant of a stimulator. The stimulator works like a pacemaker. They do a trial run with the generator on the outside of the body to make sure it will give relieve before they put it into the body. What is involved is running a wire to the top of the spine and then inserting the wire into the spinal chord. He has had good results for leg pain but only about a 20% results with back pain. The other big issue is that the cost is around $50,000.00. He gave me a DVD to look at and to let him know. The bottom line is that he wants me return to my regular Pain Mgt Dr and get on a drug program. He feels the pain meds I have taking is very low key and needs to be stepped up. I am not sure I can deal with that because what I feel like now with the pain meds I am taking. I feel like a zombie and can not concentrate or do I feel like doing anything. Of course this is affecting my weight loss. I seem to have to put something in my mouth all the time and no exercise. I am going to go see my local Dr on Wed and see where we go from here with the meds or injections. I know lots of you have this type of pain. Of course we all know it came from carrying a lot of weight around for so many years. Like the Dr told me last week that the damage is already done even though the loss of 200 lbs certainly makes it easier now. So you younger folks who are thinking about WLS remember this. Bottom line is doing something before it to late. I will be 64 next month and although my medical health has changed like all of you who had surgery, the beating my spine took during all those fat boy years is not fixable. I really appreciate all of those who have written me regarding their own back issues and what is being done for them. I know CB has almost identical back problems as mine but fortunately he is young enough to get some benefits from the WLS. So I guess I will turn it over to God and see what happens. I may just have to grin and bear it! Thanks for listening to me, thanks for your thoughts and prayers, and most of all Thank You for being my friends. Dan
on 2/5/07 12:45 am - Colonial Heights, VA
You are one tough guy Dan. My heart goes out to you and your condition. I appreciate yu sharing and advising the rest of us to get on with taking better care of ourselves sooner than later. You and CB inspire me. I love reading yuor posts and your advice. I wish there was a short term solution for you. As I told Cb, I have friend here in VA that had a similar problem and they did surgery at Medical College of VA (MCV) and used some kind of ceramic injection to reconstruct and reinforce his degenerating lower disc(s). He also has survived a groin herniate removal and liver transplant. 2006 was a ruff year for him. But,...back o topic. I'll keep you in my prayers and hope things get better for you. There surely is a reason you have been dealt this lot in life. I'm sure He'll get you through it somehow. Joe
on 2/5/07 2:19 am - Mint Hill, NC
Dan, I was hoping you would get better results. I had better luck when I went to a Pain Clinic. My Dr. came from Harvard Medical School where he had developed a Pain Clinic for them and then moved south to Charlotte. However, the relief didn't end all the problems. I am still on Nuerontin and Tramadol HCL 4 times a day and a muscle relaxer at night. I hope when I loose weight I can cut back on the meds. These meds don't make me groggy, but on a bad day I step up to Darvon or oxycodone. These meds I can wish I could avoid. They affect my daily activities and I waste many days. Hang in there, you are still in my prayers drjco:grad;
(deactivated member)
on 2/5/07 4:05 am - Houston, TX
Hello My Friend... all best wishes pointed your way Russ
on 2/5/07 5:15 am - los angeles, CA
Dx E
on 2/5/07 12:17 pm - Northern, MS
CB, Are you talking about the 'Rapid Detox' Naltrexone while under anesthesia? That's how Rush Limbaugh got off his Oxycontin Jag. Cold Turkey (even with counseling and some Substitution drugs) has around a 10% success rate. Rapid Detox and "Ultra-Rapid Detox" both have Super-High 95% or better success rates. Particularly with the Naltrexone. When I came off my first 4+ months of Morphine, Demerol, Vicodin, etc... My docs substituted in some Ultram And a little Valium for a few months to "Cut the edge" a bit. It worked fairly well, but around 6th to 8th month, I augmented with an evening glass of wine or a shot of scotch For several weeks as well. It wasn't until I dropped that completely, with the help of a "sleep aid/anti-depressant" That I was completely weaned off the pain meds. The TENS UNIT also helped immensely. I think it was a combination of several things working together. "Easiest way to hit the target is with a shotgun!" Pulling for you and sending out prayers that you get past this and on to enjoying The New You!! Best Wishes- Dx
on 2/5/07 2:34 pm - los angeles, CA
on 2/5/07 11:37 pm - KOKOMO, IN
CB I hear you my brother. I think I am nearing the point where you are. I have been on hydrocodine now for several years off and on. I sure hope and pray that you beat this addiction thing. This is what scares me about getting stronger medication as suggested by the Dr last week in Indianapolis. I have an appointment with my regular Pain Mgt Dr tomorrow morning and hope we can have a good dialouge about my future. I am getting like you where I do not want to be doped up all the time and would rather have tolerable pain then being able to have a functional mind. Right now I have been taking Trazadone at bedtime along with some Tyanol PM which helps me sleep. I also started taking Aleive. The amazing thing is that I have been out of bed more this past few days then I was for the past 4 months. I am here to help anyway I can, so drop me an email if you need to talk. Dan
Doug Such
on 2/5/07 6:14 am - Northern, CA
Hi Dan, I'm new to posting so we haven't "met" before, but I've been lurking for a bit and know some of your story. At 60 I'm a bit of a codger myself and consider myself very fortunate not to have the sort of back problem you're suffering with. Although I have no pain med or back problem experience to share, I just want to tell you that I've admired your courage and good humor in the face of some real tribulations. Your posts have meant a great deal to me. I'm fond of the stoic philosophers, Seneca in particular. Here's a passage from his Letters that I find helpful during all sorts of difficult times. " So god hardens and scrutinizes and exercises those he approves and loves; but those he appears to indulge and spare he is only keeping tender for disasters to come. If you suppose anyone is immune you are mistaken. . . [God] does not treat the good man like a toy, but tries him, hardens him, and readies him for himself." Seneca Thanks for contributing so much to this forum. Doug Such
kevin moran
on 2/5/07 6:28 am - stockton, CA
Carbon: Man I was thinking about you all day.....Must have picked-up your vibes... I am an alcoholic who quit drinking 21 years ago, I have discovered in sobriety that pain meds and I are a dangerous combo... I have a ton of buddies who have gotten off pain meds... not easy.... For many years I had zero temptaion for pain meds.. but 3.5 years ago my wife developed an autoimune disease : sclaraderma ( in the lupus / ms family) picture your hands as hard as rocks, your fingers unable to move, your knees, elbows and face tight like saran wrap. This condition puts her in chronic pain 24/7 365.. she gets an RX for: methadone, morphine patches and percocet. After my surgery, when my back hurt I used her meds... not a wise decision... I loved them too much... What we have done is gotten a small safe in which she locks them away...out of sight.. out of mind... Her pain management DR. also is looking at the implant, stimulator.. we'll see. For me pain meds are an all or nothing deal.. I am mindf'ed when they are perscribed for me... so I have told my DR. the opiates and I are a bad combo... the last 7 Months.... I have avoided the pain meds other than one time... It killed the pain but messed w/ my head. I am here for you...
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