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Topic: RE: Cross post - My Fitness Pal?
I like using my Fitbit, I really need to get back to journaling my food though.
Topic: RE: Post Op Question
Not sure what it could be. He really should check with his surgeon or primary doc.
Topic: RE: I'm new and wanted to say "hi"!
Hi Kelly!
At first I chose Dr. Shikora for his credentials as well and soon after speaking with him for the first time found out his bedside manners are just as impressive as his credentials. He is a phenomenal doctor!
You're in good hands!
At first I chose Dr. Shikora for his credentials as well and soon after speaking with him for the first time found out his bedside manners are just as impressive as his credentials. He is a phenomenal doctor!
You're in good hands!
~Starting Weight: 261 lbs~~Pre-Op Weight: 241 lbs~
~Current Weight: 155 lbs~
"Just when the Caterpillar thought her life was over, She began to fly..."
well im looking at both right now the orthopedic sergeon said im a cainidate for the lap band im like taking out books and stuff on it i got a 5 month folllow up in oct to see if hes gonna let me or not i also have sleep apnea a co morbitity
Topic: RE: I'm new and wanted to say "hi"!
go up to the tool bar that says MY OH and there is a health ticker button in there you change your weight there then hit the create ticker button
Topic: Gastric reflux?
I am 2 years out from a gastric bypass and for a while now I have been experiencing a bitter taste in my mouth about 10-15 minutes after eating. It passes but I have been chewing gum to tolerate the taste until it goes away. I called the MD on my team who was unfamiliar with my symptoms but suggested trying an OTC pp inhibitor like Prevacid, Omeprazole (same thing). Still happens.
Anyone familiar with this symptom?
Anyone familiar with this symptom?
Topic: RE: I'm new and wanted to say "hi"!
Thank you for the warm welcome, Ladies!
And Shikora rocks! I wasn't sure about him at first, and tried to just be comforted by his credentials, but he won me over ;)
As a newbie, I have a do I get a ticker? Would love to track my progress that way. Appreciate the direction!
And Shikora rocks! I wasn't sure about him at first, and tried to just be comforted by his credentials, but he won me over ;)
As a newbie, I have a do I get a ticker? Would love to track my progress that way. Appreciate the direction!
Yes it is. I'm on Mass Health too, although I'm looking to have the Realize Band, which is similar to the Lap-Band, done.