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The class was more of a "learn about the process from the doctor". He was great! I've already sceduled my first appointment with him and my first appoingment with a nutritionist!
Let the journey begin!!!!!!
Good luck on your journey!
Obesity Action Coalition Walk From Obesity 2011 Lowell

Help Team MM + BBGC raise funds for the Obesity Action Coalition with a donation to the 2nd Walk From Obesity this year! All donations will be eligible for prizes from MM, the BBGC.
- We would love, want, need your support.
Join my team or donate, please? Every dollar counts. It really does add up. A few months ago, you helped me raise $2,600+ for the Walk From Obesity in Natick, MA. My team was #1 in fundraising for that event, see below, you helped do THIS -- help DO IT AGAIN!
All donations will be eligible for prizes from MM, the BBGC. ENTER AT THIS LINK FOR PRIZES.
Also, this time the OAC has amped it up a bit! GO OAC! This is an awesome incentive. They're listening. Have YOU joined the OAC yet? Um, why not? When you donate, please watch for the option to renew your membership to the Obesity Action Coalition.
They are offering the fundraisers incentives to fundraise! I'm incentivized. That's a word.
If you help ME earn $2500.00 for my team, I will give one of you the prize that I receive from the OAC -
Click to enlarge.
*Prize drawings and eligibility will be determined at the end of the fiscal year. Winners will be contacted by OAC office via email or phone.
Thank you! Please share, forward, Twitter, Facebook?
The "class" is more of a seminar (I think) I will know more tonight after I go.
I have BCBS so that's good to know about the medically supervised diet!
Thanks again!!
The wait is long to get in to see him but what most people doesn't realize is he gives you your surgery date right then and there along with scheduling any necessary preop tests. Timewise it will probably work out good as it is my understanding you have to let the stomach heal for 6 mos. before having a revision.
He is an incredibly skilled surgeon...and has very good stats too! I think you would be very happy with him as your surgeon. I could have had both of my surgeries done here in NH as they have a local program but I wanted someone really skilled and top notch as I had a kidney out in 2003 for cancer which left me with tons of adhesions.
Anyway his office is 90 miles one way from my house and no I am not thrilled about driving in Boston but the Brigham is a really good hospital and he is a really good surgeon. He has many patients from NH, Maine, Connecticut, New York , etc. I met a lady from the other side of NH who drove 4 hours one way for him...long story there.
Good Luck!
Revision June 9, 2008
Lapband to RNY
117 lbs. lost as of 09-08-10
Dr. David B. Lautz~~~~~Simply the Best!
Brigham & Women's Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
I had my LapBand at Brigham back in 2007 - it slipped in 2008 and was removed that night. Dr. Robinson was Fantastic thru every phase... until it came time to discuss a revision - he referred me to his colleague Dr. Lautz. As I left his office that day I got a call from Lautz's office to schedule my appointment. It was July 2010, the woman said he was booking out to February 2011. It didn't matter that I was already a patient within their group... Needless to say I was quite disappointed because Lautz has a flawless reputation. Their group of medical professionals is great too... it's just a timing thing - maybe it'll be better now?? I don't know but I do know that Dr. Lautz is in VERY high demand so if you can get in with him you're lucky!!!
When I got home I did some research and decided to switch facilities and work with Tufts. The surgeons in that group have become well versed in revision surgeries seeing so many failed Lap-Bands they don't even promote them. I also found the program at Tufts to be quite different than Brigham. Tufts puts a lot of emphasis on follow-up care.
So my referall is -- Tufts! Check them out!!!
Super easy access if you use the MBTA, the Orange line is literally across the street
I did meet with my original surgeon last week and though they have only had one other patient whose band eroded from their practice, they have seen others (placed by other surgeons) and removed them. I guess they just don't advertise that part of the practice - removals, revisions, etc. Made me a feel a little better to know this. And although I am scheduled for removal surgery 9/26 with my original surgeon, I am still going to try to meet with Dr. Lautz.
Make sure you're up-front with your surgeon of choice - they should be able to give you this time frame based on their norm.
Best of luck to you... best decision I ever made!