Recent Posts
My wife and I both had RNY and have been enjoying local support groups...we think we may start one once a month in pembroke on the second wednesday of the month at 6pm...formally flowers group...we are taking her slot until she returns...
But if anyone is interested please send me a personal message and I will send you the phone number and address...
Just posting to say hi and ask if anyone is struggling with hypogycemia??? I find that if I eat anything higher in carbs that an hour or so later I have symptoms of hypoglycemia, and it resolves with having a meal or snack. I thought maybe it was dumping but it resolves with food. Now when I say I ate a higher carb food...I am not talking like a candy bar...maybe some graham crackers, popcorn or something like that...
I find this somewheat annoying...would you bother seeing your surgeon about it? I am sure there is no cure for this...Well...stay away from higher carb foods I guess...but I do also get it when I dont eat for a while...
anyhow any insight would be appreciated
Last chance to join in the OH Fashion Show at the NY Conference October 22nd!
Anyone interested in participating in the fashion show for the Long Island, NY OH conference on October 22, 2011 please contact me to provide information and photos at [email protected].
The OH Fashion Shows are open to anyone who wants to participate. After having surgery and working so hard to stay on track, you deserve to show off a bit! We ask that you send high resolution "before" photos and a brief blurb stating your surgeon's name, surgery type, starting weight and current weight (your choice). OH will put them all together to be shown on a large screen while you strut your stuff on the catwalk to music! This starts at 8pm on Saturday evening and we ask that you provide the outfit that you would like to be photographed in! To keep with our schedule, you may be asked to join the other models by 7:45pm that evening to coordinate the lineup.
Upon submitting your photo, you are giving ObesityHelp your permission to use your likeness on our website or in our magazine.
Any other questions? Just ask!!!
OH Support Group Leader
Surgery Date 03/12/10
HW 302/SW 294/CW 199/GW 169
FTC - Did You Buy Reebok EasyTone or RunTone Shoes or Apparel? Refund.
Did You Buy Reebok EasyTone or RunTone Shoes or Apparel? You may be eligible for a refund. Heh. No, really? Did you get sucked in by those commercials? Admit it.
The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, charged Reebok with making claims about EasyTone and RunTone shoes that the company couldn’t support. According to the FTC, Reebok claimed that using these products would strengthen and tone leg and butt muscles.
To settle the case, Reebok has agreed to pay $25 million for refunds to people who bought Reebok toning shoes or apparel.
And then, we giggle, and say, TOLD YOU SO! I absolutely remember blogging about these ads when they came out -- but I can't find the post. (Here's to using tags.)
Here, let her do it for you:
Please do not depend on your sneakers to flatten your ass.
Reebok to Pay $25 Million in Customer Refunds To Settle FTC Charges of Deceptive Advertising of EasyTone and RunTone Shoes
Settlement Order Prohibits Reebok from Making Unsupported Claims that ‘Toning Shoes’ Strengthen, Tone Muscles
In its ongoing effort to stem overhyped advertising claims, the Federal Trade Commission announced that Reebok International Ltd. has agreed to resolve charges that the company deceptively advertised “toning shoes," which it claimed would provide extra tone and strength to leg and buttock muscles. Reebok will pay $25 million as part of the settlement agreement. The funds will be made available for consumer refunds either directly from the FTC or through a court-approved class action lawsuit. Consumers who bought Reebok toning shoes or toning apparel can submit a claim here.
“The FTC wants national advertisers to understand that they must exercise some responsibility and ensure that their claims for fitness gear are supported by sound science," said David Vladeck, Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection.
Consumers should carefully evaluate advertising claims for work-out gear and exercise equipment. For more information see: How's that Work-out Working Out? Tips on Buying Fitness Gear.
Reebok’s EasyTone walking shoes and RunTone running shoes have retailed for $80 to $100 a pair, while EasyTone flip flops have retailed for about $60 a pair. Ads for the shoes claimed that sole technology featuring pockets of moving air creates “micro instability" that tones and strengthens muscles as you walk or run.
According to the FTC complaint, Reebok made unsupported claims in advertisements that walking in its EasyTone shoes and running in its RunTone running shoes strengthen and tone key leg and buttock (gluteus maximus) muscles more than regular shoes. The FTC’s complaint also alleges that Reebok falsely claimed that walking in EasyTone footwear had been proven to lead to 28 percent more strength and tone in the buttock muscles, 11 percent more strength and tone in the hamstring muscles, and 11 percent more strength and tone in the calf muscles than regular walking shoes.
Beginning in early 2009, Reebok made its claims through print, television, and Internet advertisements, the FTC alleged. The claims also appeared on shoe boxes and displays in retail stores. One television ad featured a very fit woman explaining to an audience the benefits of Reebok EasyTone toning shoes. She picks up a shoe from a display and points to a chart showing the muscles that benefit from use of the shoes, while a video camera continues to focus on her buttocks. She says the shoes are proven to strengthen hamstrings and calves by up to 11 percent, and that they tone the buttocks “up to 28 percent more than regular sneakers, just by walking."
Under the settlement, Reebok is barred from:
- making claims that toning shoes and other toning apparel are effective in strengthening muscles, or that using the footwear will result in a specific percentage or amount of muscle toning or strengthening, unless the claims are true and backed by scientific evidence;
- making any health or fitness-related efficacy claims for toning shoes and other toning apparel unless the claims are true and backed by scientific evidence; and
- misrepresenting any tests, studies, or research results regarding toning shoes and other toning apparel.
Do not feel bad for Reebok, they made $340 million dollars in Easytone sales last year.

Some times I do the full caff. others half caff. but always with a touch of skim...
Oh and the K-Cups... just just add to my Dunkaholism.
Donuts don't do anything for me...
I've been known to eat a donut too.
First 5K race October 4, 2009 (34.59) PR 5/22/11 (27:26)
First 5 Mile: January 1, 2011 (50:30)
First 10K: July 4, 2010 (1:03.26) New PR 4/10/11 (1:01.14)
First 10 Mile: April 11, 2010 (1:46.15)
First 1/2 marathon: June 13, 2010 (2:22.21) PR: 5/1/11 (2:17.30)
First Marathon: October 16, 2011: 5:47:20
Goofy Challenge: January 7-8, 2012
If you think you can, you can. If you think you can't, you're right. - Mary Kay Ash