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My advice - stay positive, keep your chin uP! This is a GOOD THING!!!
As far as packing - You'll be home before ya know it...they have what you'll need at the hospital for showering (I did bring my own shampoo/conditioner and a comb and ponyholder), Chapstick was a must because soon after you'll be barely sipping but ur lips get wicked dry. I brought my iPod and some magazines but didn't touch either one! The clothes I wore in were the ones I wore home. I did have my cell phone (cuz it's free vs. the hospital phone) I used it a bit to check in w/my family and let 'em know I'm doing good :-)
I mentioned before my biggest struggle was getting in my fluid oz's, it felt so forced. Then I learned "don't force it" just keep sipping and stay hydrated when ya get home!!!
My experience... it's the adjustment that's NOT easy, it's hard to describe. On the bright side, I had very little if any pain at all which made it tolerable.
You're gonna do GREAT - can't wait to hear from you in a few days!!!!
I'm part of the Tufts program, no doubt each program defines their stages differently!!!
Stage 1,2,3 were all liquids incl. yogurts, popsicles, protien shakes.
Stage 4 now incorporates more dense proteins like tuna, chicken, ground meat, beans, cheese (still no carbs unless I meet my protein goal of 50+g's)
Stage 5 is another four weeks away... then I can have crackers or toast, start incorporating more carbs and maybe some fresh fruit and vegetables :-)
I like this becuase it slowly incorporates new foods and textures to my new tummy.
It doesn't have to be "pureed" but I chew chew chew before I swallow my exaggeratedly small bites so it may as well be by the time I swallow it!
Yeah a huge difference going into this week - I have more energy and have been taking less naps!! It's tough not to get bored when I'm home alone and no adult interaction/conversation!!!
In bad weather, a different option would be walking at an indoor location - museums or such. But I think I prefer the idea of trying to get outside instead.
What does the stage 4 diet include for you? (My plan only had 3 stages, and I just got to stage 3 around 4 weeks out).
Have fun at the gym. I'm thinking about buying snow shoes for my walking. Or maybe just strapping on ice skates and getting to work that way... I'm pretty sure the sidewalks are iced over enough. (not really, LOL.... but close - I use "YakTrax" over my boots, and I don't slip at all, but I'm ready for spring).
2 weeks out is when I started to feel more normal... before that I slept all the time and was basically miserable. Sounds like the same is happening for you :-)
I know all my fears and worries will be gone soon. Just venting I guess. I should be jumping for joy...I just know its not all sunshine and daisies. Its a difficult journey especially immediately post-op. Hopefully I will have no complications and everything will be all set.
If anyone has a story about their surgery and/or post op Id love to read about it.
What a difference a week makes, getting in my fluids and my protein has become easier every day!!! I think I've finally slept off the anesthesia and I'm up and going to the gym for some walking, no "working out" for a few more weeks but I'm using this time to get into a routine!!
Best part of the day... I've progressed to stage 4 diet!! WOOHOO!!!
Spring 2011 Walk from Obesity Cities Announced!
The OAC is happy to announce their 2011 spring Walk from Obesity locations!
The following cities will be hosting a Walk from Obesity this spring:
City Date*
Chambersburg, PA April 30
Hayward, CA May 7
Natick, MA April 30
New York City, NY June 26
Oklahoma City, OK May 15
Princeton, NJ May 15
Tyler, TX April 16
*Dates are subject to change.
Registration for these events will be opening soon with the March launch of the new Walk from Obesity Web site and registration system! Be sure to check back after the launch for more information on these events.
If you do not see a city near you listed and are interested in hosting a fall Walk from Obesity this, please to apply today!
Now Accepting Nominations for the Walk from Obesity's 2010 Purpose, Passion & Pledges (P3) Award
This award recognizes outstanding volunteers who have gone above and beyond - perhaps a retiree who has raised hundreds of dollars, a child who inspires an entire school to participate in a Walk from Obesity event or a physically challenged participant who proudly walks one difficult step at a time.
We invite you to nominate an inspiring volunteer for the 2010 Purpose, Passion & Pledges (P3) award. This is someone who participated in a 2010 Walk from Obesity. One exceptional nominee will be honored with a Walk from Obesity P3 Award plaque, a profile in the Walk from Obesity Newsletter and recognized in the OAC’s Your Weight Matters Magazine.
Nominations may be made by:
•Emailing your nomination letter to:[email protected]
•Faxing your nomination letter to: (352) 331-4975
• Mailing your nomination letter to: Walk from Obesity, ASMBS Foundation, 100 SW 75th St., Suite 201, Gainesville, FL 32607
All nominations must be received by March 7, 2011.
MJ Boston, MA