Dr. Matthew Hutter (MGH)
Hi, Kim :wave. I had my surgery with Dr. Hutter on October 3, 2005. I can tell you that you're going first class all the way with him, and the Weight Center in general (although you already knew that about the Weight Center staff
Dr. Hutter is very caring, thorough and conservative in his conversations, and he's an excellent surgeon. My procedure was done lap, and I had virtually no pain. The first day I felt as if I'd done too many situps, but after that, my recovery was uneventful and smooth. (As an aside, he removed my gall bladder at the same time.)
I did walk almost as soon as I got out of Recovery, and continued to do that each time I was awake. I can't stress enough how important that is, along with using the incentive rebreather, at least 10 repeats an hour.
If you have specific questions, I'd be happy to answer as best I can, but again, you should have every confidence you are in the best of hands all around.

I am also having surgery by Dr. Hutter on June 19th. I am glad we get to meet this way. I thoroughly checked him out as I am a RN. Everyone I spoke to who has worked with him at MGH indicated he is an excellent surgeon and well trained in laparoscopic technique. I am confident we have both made a good choice.
- Susan
Hi Kim,
My husband and I run yahoo support group for pre-op and post op patients of MGH Weight Center. If anyone has mentioned it to you , you should join. We have a few current members out of our 100+ members that have had their surgery with Dr. Hutter. You can email me at [email protected] to become a member if you are interested. Look forward to hearing from you and anyone else that has had their surgery at MGH or is about to have their surgery their.
I realize your original post was long ago but it came up as I was looking for experiences with Dr. hutter. I just scheduled my surgical consult with Dr. Hutter and it looks like I am on track for RNY surgery in oct/nov 2014. I am both excited and nervous about this journey. Anything else you could share about your experience with Dr. Hutter would be great.