Network Health
Can anyone who has Network Health and has/had bypass surgery tell me if the insurance company wanted to see 6 months of weight loss program before insurance approval. I was told that I needed to join a weight loss program for 6 months before I could have my surgery. I'm so frustrated and disappointed. My surgery date was supposed to be on the 8th

Call your insurance company and have them fax you their outline for obesity surgery. This will help you and your surgeon when filing and will eliminate any questions or concerns. I have Cigna Network and was totally confused as to the whole process with them and decided to just have them send me their outline. It has helped. Also, there might be an area that if you have documentation by your PCP for losing weight, that would help as well. Check it all out as each insurance company is different. I was hoping the process would take 3 months to only learn that it was 6 months of documentation. I know you are disappointed but stay focused and be patient as this will happen for you but just a little longer than you thought.
I'm waiting for insurance to approve me and I'm not a very patient person. So what nails I did have are all gone now.
Good luck.
If you are refering to Network healt....the one thats connected to MassHealth....there is no 6 month wait. I know cause I was still under my moms MassHealth insurance when i had my surgery. I may be confused, but I thought that network Health was for kids? I thought it was the insurance program under masshealth for children? My mom has Network health, but it's for my 13 yo sister, my mom herself has masshealth. I dunno, But if they run on the same rules as Masshealth then the answer is no. I wasnt required no documentation of a supervised diet or previous weightloss attempts.