I am starting this process
I am seriously considering sugery. I have not talked to my PCP yet and I am not sure what to do. I want to have my sugery in Worcester because it is the closest. I also am a mother of 5 and work full time. I am curious as to how long you were out of work. Is there any advise that you could give to me?
Everyone's journey is different but I started with my PCP. We talked it over and he did some research on some of the major programs in the area and on feedback the surgeons had gotten (a couple of his other patients had had WLS). He recommended the Lap-Band (which I agreed with completely) and his recommendation was to see Dr. Ashley Vernon at Brigham and Women's.
I just had my surgery and was pretty wretched for the first few days and wondering WHEN it would get better and suddenly day 6-7 I felt much better, was able to get in much more fluid (up from a low on Christmas Eve of 4 oz) and was driving my car and feeling 90% yesterday. I still have some addominal soreness so I needed help lifting/carrying groceries, etc. but otherwise am fine. I wouldn't have believed it at day 5 but back to work in a week is realistic.
As for Worcester, I don't know anything about their program but the important thing is how many procedures they have performed in the last year (especially your surgeon in particular) and what their outcomes are and what kind of support staff and aftercare they have.
I HATE driving into Boston but it has totally been worth it.
Good Luck
I had surgery at UMASS. The process takes a while so the sooner you get started the better. I believe there next orientation is 1/16 and you will need to go to 2 before you can enter the program. There is a lot of headaches along the way especially if you have no patients like me. But I am 2 months out now and have lost 70 pound. There have been no complications and all has gone well. I returned to work in 3 weeks but could have gone back much sooner. The only issue for me was that I work in a medical clean room and could not have liquids in that environment. If you can sip water while you work I don't think going back after 2 weeks would be hard at all. You will be tired but as a mother of 5 I would guess you know how to keep yourself going when you feel like taking a nap
!! Read my profile to see what all the steps are and listen to me whine about the delays. That's about all I can tell ya. Except for my personal moto "Get busy living or get busy dying! That's GD Right!"
Here is a link to the Umass weight center
Good luck

Learn everything you can...and talk to as many post ops as you can. The more info you have....the better. Find a doc and a program that you are comfortable with. The time out of work depends upon which kind of surgery you have and your individual healing process. I had the Open RNY and was out of work for 4 weeks. This is major surgery....you will probably need help at home with those 5 kids unless they are older.
Hi Priscilla
I am in the process now of getting a date. It seems to take forever but I have all the faith that this is going to be worth the wait. Definately speak with your PCP and check out the different programs in your area. Go to the information meetings they truly will help you make your decision. Wishing you the best!
Hi Priscilla! I had my surgery at UMass in March, 2005. As is probably true of most programs, I think there are pros and cons to the UMass program. The delay times between appointments can be extremely frustrating. But the program is extremely comprehensive and the people involved are very nice and have been quite attentive to me (and I've kind of demanded a lot of attention because of plateau issues I've had). I started looking at NEMC/Tufts for my surgery but the vibe there didn't feel right to me even though that is an excellent program. I just found the UMass vibe suited me better, and since the hospital is almost in my backyard the decision was easy.
I agree with the other poster that it's extremely important to find the program that suits YOU, and in which you have confidence and feel really comfortable. I consider this to have been a lifetime commitment to UMass for me as I need annual visits there, so it was important to me to feel comfortable with the program. It's a very individual thing, but I don't regret my choice of program at all.
As for how long out of work, I took 4 weeks off. I do have a sedentary office job, but I work in Boston and live in central Mass and my commute is 3.5 hours a day. Fatigue was by far my biggest problem after the surgery so I needed to get my energy back before I could tackle my 12 hour day. If I'd worked nearby I'm pretty sure I'd have been back to work sooner. But again, everyone is different. For some the surgery is difficult and painful and takes a lot out of them. For some it's no big deal at all. If you've had surgery before you may have a better idea of how you'll react, though I have to say the fatigue thing, while somewhat expected, took my by surprise with its intensity.
Also, there is a big difference in recovery time between a gastric bypass and the lap band, with the lapband generally a shorter recovery time.
I wish you the best of luck. Please don't hesitate to post with any other questions you have!
Mary Ellen
Hi Priscilla,
I have just begun too, well kind of, chose a program after checking out B & W and Tufts, recommended to Boston by my PCP, did not want me to go to local Wareham, cuz they only did gastric and he thought that was too drastic for me and now i am so glad I waited. I am definately a bandster. I chose Tufts cuz it felt right to me. I like B & W too, but doctors, office staff, psychologists etc gave me the warm and fuzzies at Tufts and I am sure glad I chose them. They also gave me an appt sooner, my first appt at B & W was not until Jan 26th and I have had 4 appts at Tufts so far and start my individual group next week. Just felt more comfortable. ALso easier to get to off of 93 expressway andparking is convenient too. But I probably would have done either, whoever took me sooner. Very glad to be on my way. Do lots of research and check out a couple of programs before you decide. My friend and I went to 3 group meetings with each program and did tons of research and reading online. These web sites are wonderful! Good luck in you endeavor! Valarie