dr schneider's office

on 9/27/05 12:15 am - WHITMAN, MA
hi i have had nothing but trouble from my m.d.'s secretary. she is rude, talks down to you and is a bully. i have had several descussions with her and each one is worse then the last. i have been a nurse for 34 years and can not believe how this woman talks to me. i just had to write to see if anyone else has had a problem. i have my first post-op check this week. i love dr. schneider but feel that his secretary really has been out of line from the get-go. my first conversation with her was about me calling my own insurance co. about the surgury date. i was told the wrong surgury date had been approved and was told to call his office and when i told her i called she yelled at me for calling my own insurance co. it was all down hill from ther. i was wondering if anyone has had problems? i had my surgury at beth isreal and my m.d. is dr. ben schneider thanks,joyce
Lynn C
on 9/27/05 4:56 pm
Hi, I have Dr. Jones out of the same office and have not had any problems. I ususally email in questions that I dont need an immediate answer to as I know that they are all really busy and seem a bit short staffed but I have never had anyone be rude to me. Sorry your having trouble. If it is way out of line talk to the doctor next time you see him - He should know if his office staff is making his practice look bad. Good luck, Lynn Banded 9/12/05 299.5/275/???/140
on 9/27/05 7:22 pm - WHITMAN, MA
thank you for the response. I hope you are feeling good. I can't wait for my first visit. I think I down 25 lbs. I can't believe it. As far as the secretaries the m.d. s each have their own office and telephone number. You probably have not run in to this one. I think I pissed her off because I called my own insurance co. to see if I got approved before she did thats when she got angry. I"m seeing Dr. schneider tomorrow and I plan on telling him. I feel she is a bully, and verbally abusive . I know that they probably get alot of nutty calls but I know what I am talking about. It has been sooo upsetting. I keep thinking if she does it to me she must be doing it to others. just don't need that stuff when you're going though this. well, thanks for listening keep losing!!!!!!! thanks,joyce
on 9/28/05 5:09 am - MA
Joyce-- I have no experience with this office. I just want to tell you a trick I use all the time and it almost always works. I work in a job where I deal heavily with the public, but also with governemntal beauracracy. It is not uncommon in trying to help a person with a problem that I run into a surly government employee. No offense intended as I am one and also meet as many helpful ones as unhelpful.This always blows my mind since I am with an office that should pull some political weight....anyway, when I encounter someone who I feel is being rude I put on my sweetest most sappy voice and say something like "mary, did I do or say something to cause you to treat me so rudely? Because if I did please tell me..." You would not believe how embarassed almost every single one of them becomes when being called on their rude behavior. I do it in a disgustingly sweet way so that it doesnt escalate into a brawl and I have them tripping overthemselves to help me. Most of them may not catch the sarcasm in my voice because they are so busy trying to backpeddle to cover their behinds. It always secretly cracks me up....try it it really works. Carolyn
on 9/28/05 9:15 am - WHITMAN, MA
thank you so much for the advice. I will try it. I'm headed in there tomorrow for my fisrt post-op check. thanks again joyce
Lynn C
on 9/28/05 2:39 pm
Joyce, 25 lbs is awsome. Which surgery did you have? I am to much of a scale addict to tell how much weight I have really lost. I will pop on the scale every time I'm in the bathroom and every time it says something different. My follow up is on 10/5 so I will wait for an official weight then. Good luck, Lynn Banded 9/12/05 299.5/275/???/140
on 10/15/05 1:53 pm - Boston, MA
I have dr. jones adn I love the office but the receptionists are soooo rude. Jones' secretary could use a some manner training as well! I have told the docs about it adn they are working on it.
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