Need Positive Reinforcement!
I've been so positive and my date is next Monday, 9/26/05. Now, two close friends begged me not to have the surgery and others just don't understand why I'm doing this! "you're just not fat enough"...if 100lbs overweight isn't fat enough, what is!? It's kinda shaken me and made me doubt myself! This surgery will help some of my other physical problems; I've worked so hard for it, and am really looking forward to the life change. I haven't heard one person say they were sorry they did it. So, a little encouragement from anyone will be most welcome!
Gerry - I didn't have RNY (I got the band) but just keep reminding yourself why you started this journey in the first place. If you are confident in your doctor then onward and upward. As for the negative people - you have the choice of avoiding them for a while or telling them strait out "I have done my research and made my decision - if you can't support me like a friend should then lets not discuss it" (that is the nice version) As they have not lived your life they can't know exactly how you feel.
Good luck on Monday I will keep you in my prayers!
Banded 9/12/05
When I went for my surgery I had a very close friend (she has never been overweight, is a certified personal trainer and a black belt) who did not want me to have it. She was concerend that there would be complacations and I would never be right. She only voiced her opion once and then kept quite. It has been 2 1/2 years now. When I was cleared to excerise she made my routine and helped me with a program that I stuck to. She is now one of my biggest supporters and can not believe how well I have done and am doing. People who have never been obease/overweight can and will never understand what we go thru. You have done your research, had your testing and know that this is for you. Stick to your decision. DO NOT let anyopne but yourself change your mind. YOU know what is best for you. With that being said take a deep breath and everything will be fine. I am going in on Oct 5 for my plastics and a herrina repair(panni) I am nervous and excited too. I fought for almost a year and I can not beleive it is finally almost here.
We will both be recovering at the same time. YOU CAN DO IT AND YOU WILL DO IT!!! Keep us posted.Good Luck.
Remember "Nothing tastes as good as thin (and healthy) feels."
Open RNY
PS 10/5/05
HI Gerry,
I was "just" 100 pounds overweight too. I heard the same things you did. Some people's bodies are just not meant to handle that extra 100 pounds. I was having high blood pressure issues... also my doc was just about to start treatment for diabetes. My feet hurt horribly....I was taking large amounts of pain reliever just to be able to stand on them. This surgery has made a huge difference for me. The health issues are gone. I can wear pretty shoes and walk at the same time. Amazing. I don't regret it for a minute.
Gerry, DOn't let your friends rattle you. You made the decision for surgery...which is a hard soul-searching decision. You made the calls. went for your preops etc. This is what you want.
You only need to be true to yourself. Unfortunately friends can come and go. If they love you and support you, they will be here to see a thinner you. If they can't support be'll lose more than weight with the surgery.
Wishing you a safe and sound surgery...and remember to be true to yourself. You only need to please yourself.
Hi Gerry
I had my surgery at Saint E's a little over a year ago and have absolutely no regrets! The Center For Weight Control is a great program with competent staff so there's no need to worry about surgical safety. Gerry, this is your life we're talking about here and friends who don't want you to have surgery have never been you for a day and felt the range of emotions and health issues that come from being overweight. Also, they won't be the ones coping with the physical strains obesity will bring as you age. Your friends may have your interests at heart but you are probably a lot more aware of the realities of surgery and the positive changes it will bring to you. As someone who has gone through what you're going through, I just want to say that surgery has been a very positive thing for me and I believe you chose wisely to have it done.
Best of luck to you and take comfort in knowing you made a good choice with great medical care!
dear gerry, please do not let others change your mind. if you feel this is right for you go for it. i'm 2 weeks post-op and i feel better than i have in years. i am still sore but each day gets better. i am a diabetic, have been for at least 10 years and they have cut my medicine in half. i also take heart medicine and they not only cut it in half but also changed it to every other day. your friends love you for who you are but they really don't understand what it's like to feel phycically and mentally obese. i hope you stick to your choise and what you want. good luck and god bless. joyce

Don't doubt yourself now. You know all of the facts, you've made up your mind and just go for it~ Try not to dwell on any of the negatives - think of your dream and follow it.
Honestly, I was not worried at all. I try and put myself "out of the situation" and just take each moment as it comes. The only time I get a little nervous is when they are prepping me for surgery in the OR. Just squeeze the surgeon's hand. They'll take good care of you~
Good luck and I'll be thinking of you...