Monica has reached the Century Club in 9 months
Hurrah for me,
I have officially lost 103 lbs. I went to see my surgeon and my weight management doctors yesterday and their scales confirm my weight loss on this wonderful journey. Both sets of providers were very, very pleased with my progress and lack of complications.
I had a bunch of labs drawn yesterday and this morning. Hopefully the blood work will show good results. Both doctors said that I glow, I really do and the glow comes from within. I went over to Mercy hospital to see the nurses who took care of me while I was hospitalized for the surgery. One nurse in particular, Anne Lynch made such a big difference with my care. She is the head nurse for the Bariatric patient wing and she is a wealth of common, good sense, you can do this knowledge and enthusiasm. She was so touched that I took the time to let her know in person that she made such a difference for me, while in the hospital (she wiped my ass more than a few times, made me blow into my air machine, got my legs moving as well as my big behind) and after I went home with her tips and good ideas for those first few weeks. It takes a village to make us each successful. I am so thankful for the OB OFF village, oh yes indeed.
I need to apply for a Century Club card. Hurrah. I am a healthier, happier, sexier, and more thankful each day for my new life.
Thank you all my friends and pathmates. I appreciate you all. Your strength and resolve have helped me so much!
Love and hugs
Age 58, 5'3"