questions about dr kelly
hi everyone i currently had my first appt with dr randall but my question is about dr kellys program in worcester i know his program has a program fee does this have to be paid before u see anyone or can u make payments,it would be more convient for me to see the docs in worcester and have surgery there,but i am home i dont work,thought about applying for disability until i can get the weight off,its hard for me to get around being this big with all my really hoping that would help me out any way they can,
Hi Cindy. I went through the program at Umass, fortunatly for my they just started charging fee's after my January visit, so because I was already in the program (since August 04) It did not apply to me. I believe the fee is for the exercise management portion of the program they implemented a few months ago to help with pre surgery weight loss. I think it was about $300 but im not sure. What I am sure about is that Insurance will not cover it. I don not believ that there are any other fees, unless required co-pays by your insurance. I could be wrong though. I think very highly of Dr.Kelly and his staff. Although he did not do my surgery, by the year's end he will be doing my mothers. he did come to see me in the hospital though, because my Doc wasnt in yet. Very nice and very awsome bedside manner. This was a very convienient choice for me. I too looked into surgery in Boston, but opted to stay close to home. I am glad I did. I am 7 weeks out today and I feel great. I was 278 the morning of surgery and I am down to 239. -39lbs and loving it. I wish you luck and I would definatley look into Umass' program as well. Wouldnt hurt to call!!
thank you so much the way i just moved from fitchburg to leominster,i am going to reschedule my appt with kelly and go to worcester,i had my other surgeries there so whats one more right rather have the 20 min drive compared to an hr...thats definetly my choice i am not knocking dr randall when i say this hes a great doc but i am just chooseing whats best for me and to be closer to home is my choice

There is a $350 fee that can be paid in payments. It is for the exercise classes that are required. You will need to go to one of the orientation meetings to get the process going. There is a schedule on there website. The fee is not due until you actually start the classes. A word of caution this is a long process! Do not buy into the 4 or 5 month time they will tell you! It is still 9 or 10 months to get surgery. Good luck