Waiting for A Date with the surgeon
I am a 36 year old women. I have been over weight almost my whole live. I have been through the whole process of classes. I am just waiting to meet with a Surgeon. I had to quit smoking which was not as hard as I thought it would be. The problem is that I gained 4lbs. They will not make the appt. til I lose at least 5lbs. I am finding it very difficult to do both. Any suggestions???? I have an appt. on 9/7 for a weight check and I am hoping to have lost the 5lbs. I am almost there!!!!! I have been doing slim fast to see if it will work. I have had some sucess before. Keep your fingers crossed....
Sherry, I went thru the exact same thing! I quit smoking in Dec. and gained, would you believe 30lbs!! Then it seemed that no matter what I did to diet, I gained another 10lbs. Thought I would lose my mind! I've had some success with smoothies; they're pretty filling and taste great. Lots of water, and have grown to love the Hood Cottage cheese with pineapple and cherry - it's delicious (never liked cottage cheese before). But, I'm sure I'm not telling you anything new....we've all been down these roads. I do sympathize, because it's like your metabolism has a mind of it's own. Good luck!
Hi Gerry, Thank you soooo much for your help. I am not a fan of cttage cheese but I will try anything at this point. Have you had surgery yet?? how much weight did they make you lose if any???? The weight Center at Umass is very strict about a little weight lose before surgery. I just can't seem to get motivated. I have completed everything required and just have to lose 5-10 lbs. This should be the easy part. I am fustrated.... Thanks again for your help.... Good luck ....
Congratulations on deciding to have surgery. I did not have to lose any weight for surgery, but I know a lot of people had succes with Atkins. I also have been reading labels since surgery, and the Weigh****chers "Truth About Carbs" meals and the South Beach meals have 160-180 calories, low in carbs and fat (but, of course, high in sodium). I eat about 1/3 of the meat and leave the other stuff (of course, pre-op I could've eaten 3 or 4 with a sandwich LOL), but a lot of them are quite tasty.
I used to live in Gardner, when I was a young, poor, working single mother. I lived on Greenwood Street for a while before making the big move to the Village. Things are better now.

I had my surgery in Boston on Aug 2. I have lost 45 pounds, and, except for extreme exhaustion, I have had no complications. I am able to tolerate everything, and have never vomited. I can definitely feel my "new stomach" and I have not (so far) had any depression or regrets. I don't "mourn food," and, in fact, I find the idea of it kind of repulsive. Now, I eat because I have to. When I see a big plate of food, it makes my stomach hurt. The smell of McDonald's is nauseating. I cook some of my old favorites for my family and have no desire to eat it myself. I have gone from 30 cups of coffee a day to none (this is disappointing - I loved coffee but now it tastes terrible). I don't want Diet Pepsi anymore. I used to drink only coffee and diet pepsi. I read every label in the grocery store now. It's like being a whole new person!
Good luck to you,