Hello all. Hope everyone is doing well. I'm just writing because I'm so frustrated. This process is taking so long. I know that I need all the counceling and excersice classes and such but really, it seems to be taking forever.Maybe I'm just impatient? I sure don't mean to sound like a whinner. But I feel that I'm ready and just want to get the surgery going. I've already been going at this for nine months (not to mention the three years plus deciding on the surgery)and It'll probably be another five months before I have the surgery. I'm just aggrevated I guess and needed to let it out. Sorry for spilling and thanks for letting me, Amy
Barb H.
on 8/24/05 10:10 pm
on 8/24/05 10:10 pm
What you said. Exactly, Amy.
I was scheduled to have surgery Aug. 8th. My insurance company has denied me and I'm appealing. If they say no, then I'm going to look into Mexico.
It's hard to read of all the peole who are losing weight and feeling great and I sit here, having gained back close to all the weight I lost pre-op. It really is depressing, although still good to know there's an option out there - that's more than I ever had before, when I was forever trying the next new diet, buying the next new book, etc.
The best to us both!
Barb H

Hi Amy, I am in the same boat as you. I also have Dr. Kelly. I have finished all the classes. My problem is that I can't seem to take off the 5lbs. they require before meeting with the surgeon. It is very fustrating but keep your head up high and think It will all be worth it when it is over.... Good Luck... Sherry G.
wendy M.
on 9/3/05 8:24 pm - randolph, ma
on 9/3/05 8:24 pm - randolph, ma
Dont be sorry for spilling..lol..
I think once you make the decision, you want to have it done and over with right away. I know I feel that way. I am in the process and I started in April. I still have to do the personality test and then I will probably WAIT
BUT I think we have made the right choice for ourselves